Chapter 0

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"Ugh, why is the mission all the way in Paris," leewon said. "I need to stop whining about since there will be other people joining us." Caesar and Lee won arrived at the gate.

"Come on, ilay ! Or we will be late!" Taeui grabbing ilay's arm and dragging him to the gate.

Meanwhile, taekjoo and zhenya already arrived and they are sitting down on the airport seats.
"Oi! Get your nasty head off my shoulder, there will be other people joining us." Taekjoo slapped Zhenya's head while Zhenya pouted.

The three teams meet
"I'm Taeui and he is ilay. So you're the people that will be joining the mission right?" Taeui exclaimed. "So your zhenya and taekjoo, and your Caesar and leewon?" He pointed at zhenya and taekjoo,then to Caesar and leewon. "Yeah, nice to meet you, Taeui." Taekjoo reached his hand and shook hands with him, while leewon did the same.


Caesar coughed, "ahem everyone , let's board before the plane takes off." Everyone was boarding the plane, leewon,taeui and taekjoo were busing chatting in front while the foreign daddies were walking behind, also making small talks to each other.

Hi everyone hope u like this small chap
I will use short form in authors note but not in the story for easy understanding.

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