Chapter 2

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"Oh yay! We have finally arrived , since the mission begins tomorrow, we can have the whole day for ourselves!!" Taeui exclaimed. They were walking around the big ass airport it looked so huge and so fancy, there were shops selling French goods. They started exploring everywhere (well mostly taeui,leewon and taekjoo). The 3 pairs soon split up because their luggage is in different luggage pick up stations (and caesar, ilay,zhenya wanted to be with their partners after a long flight😉)

With Caesar and leewon
As they were walking on the airport, it was rather empty in the direction where they are going. Then leewon saw a bakery selling French pastries, "hey caesar look at this baguette, it's so big!" Leewon said holding it up. "It's as long as my arm! That something I never saw in Korea!"
"well you definitely saw something bigger and longer than that before in Russia." (If you don't get it, he's referring to his monster cock💀💀💀)
Then he got a hard slap on his arm by leewon, "Hmph? How shameless of you to say that in public. Help me to pay for this baguette, you shameless asshole." Leewon said with his face all red from embarrassment. "Yes, baby~" Caesar smirked and got another hard slap from leewon.

While zhenya and taekjoo
"What the fuck, why is this place massive." Taekjoo was surprised by this airport, he doesn't travel a lot so he haven't been to much airports. "Hey look, there's a gift shop over there. Let's go there." Zhenya pointed. "So? We came here for our fucking luggage, not to fucking spend money on the cheap gifts. Since when do you care for cheaps things, I thought you think expensive things." Taekjoo said. "You had a different tone when you are talking to Taeui and leewon, and now you're using your normal tone when you talk to me. I don't usually get to see the sweet caring side of you.Well I don't care, let go to the gift shop."Zhenya said in a pretending sad tone and dragged taekjoo there. There were a lot of souvenirs , taekjoo saw a bunny headband, he put it on jokingly and show it to Zhenya.
"Wow damn , you look so cute. We are definitely buying it."
"What the fuck. You're not actually fucking buying it right?" Taekjoo said while looking at zhenya weirdly. "It's not good to curse, bunny~" Zhenya smirked.
"That motherfucker, I really want to bitch slap you across the smirking face of you. You don't know how much I'm holding back, I am very close from slapping you and wiping your smile off your face." Taejkoo thought.

While ilay and taeui
There were more people on the direction where they are going. "Is our luggage pick up station seriously at the other side of the airport." Taeui sighed.
"Want me to carry you?"
Taeui blushed as the thought of ilay carrying him.
" I'm fine! I have 2 legs, I can walk just fine. Come on let's go." Taeui walked in a faster pace trying to avoid ilay. As they walked further, they found themselves in a crowd of people.
"Excuse me, sorry." Taeui apologised while we was being pushed around buy the people who didn't seem to have heard him. Then, he felt a strong hand on his waist.
"You okay? I told you let me carry you, it will be more convenient." Ilay picked taeui , taeui was facing him.
"HEY YOU BASTARD PUT ME DOWN NOW! HEY ARE YOU DEAF!" Taeui shouted in embarrassment , he forgot he was in a crowd of people, he's face turned even red (haha tomato taeui). Ilay whispered in his ear, " I suggest you don't make a fuss right now and accept my kindness of carrying you. Also, hold one tight, unless you want to fall off and make it even embarrassing." Taeui blushed and wrapped his legs around ilay's waist, then he buried his red face deep into ilay's neck in embarrassment, avoiding every eye contact. Ilay smirked while he was walking through the crowd of people and carrying taeui, of course there were a lot of stares from people, wondering why is a white haired man carrying a black haired man out in the blue.
"Hmm, Taeui feels lighter than last time. Is he been eating well, did he even eat on the plane. Sigh, I should  buy him a healthy sandwich later, I guess I'll be cooking often." (Bro is such a good house husband fr😏)

Hi everyone, I hope you liked this chapter, sorry for not posting much. Exams are coming, I'm really trying to write a longer chapter 😭😭😭 pls forgive me

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