Fifth Wish

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Many things make up a civilization. One of them is the form of governance which can determine the form of commerce. In this world, the most common type of government is that of a monarchy. Where the current ruler or one of their predecessors in the past held great power and became the leader. This comes from the common logic of this world that it is survival of the fittest.

Long ago, before the Holy Church and the Free Guild were around, humans stood no chance on this world. Now they live on half of the main continent. This happened because powerful humans rose up, banded together, and fought the monsters back. However, where there were heroes, there too were demon lords. Powerful monsters with their own thoughts and plans of how the world should be.

That would be the main reason technology and culture are further behind in this world. Greed, for lack of a better word, was in the hearts of the people. I, too, have experienced it and as a result of fighting it, I now have a fresh scar on my heart from losing a loved one. I suppose, greed is not solely evil, but like many things, people rarely use such aspects of themselves for good.

Back to the case of government, I would like to give the people a voice to state what they want and need. But I also wish to be able to oversee them in case of conflicts. While I believe the direwolves will fall into line and the goblins will follow, more powerful monsters may try to test the limits of what they can get away with. In this case, I need to ask what an appropriate punishment would be.

Until then, Kaijin and I began to work. Because of their weak bodies, the goblins could not cut down trees, leaving the task to me in the area Kaijin said would be the best for starting a city. I left the removal of branches to the goblins, telling them to report any injuries, no matter how minor, to me. While this was taking place, the dwarves got things set up with the tools they brought from their smith. Some of the direwolves and other goblins followed the instructions for making the roads.

It might appear too soon to be planning roads, however, planning ahead for the future is important. For instance, I always wanted to build a bathhouse for the common people. When I was born into this world, I took note of a few things I did not like and wanted to improve for comfort, one of them was how people went to the restroom. I also wanted to improve the common bedding and clothing people used. They seem like small things, but the comfort of life improving these two provides is not small.

"One nail at a time, and it's going to take a lot of nails," Kaijin commented on my thoughts of what the city could eventually be. I started the fire for his temporary forge. "Have you ever thought of smithing?"

"I'm afraid not. Always have been a student of the sword, not its maker. But I have always supported the idea of spreading knowledge."

"Just as well to know what you're good at and support others. Had any other artisan got access to that treasure trove of a cave, he'd have plenty to use as practice to perfect his craft."

"Boss!" One of the goblins from the mining crew yelled, running over with a red ore. "You won't believe what we found!"

"What is it?" I took it from the goblin, not sure what kind of ore it was.

Kaijin's eyes were beyond wide, staring in disbelief, "D-dragotite!"


"Yes... it's only found in areas with extremely high magicules and the nest of dragons. It's extremely rare, the fact they found this much... it's unheard of."

"Where did you find this?"

"It was buried in a hidden cavern, deep inside the cave."

My thoughts quickly got ahead of me. Veldora's act of releasing all of his magicules, the ore that was around him must have changed. Could this have been a present for his departure? "Kaijin," I handed him the ore, "I have a future commission. Make me the finest spear with this metal."

The Monster King's Life WishWhere stories live. Discover now