Ninth Wish

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After the battle, the races gathered in the clearing where Treyni proclaimed the conference would be held. As one of the authorities of the forest, none of the races argued with her or her decision to appoint me in charge. Standing behind me were Benimaru, Shion, and Hakurou. To my left, Treyni, the chief of the lizardmen, his daughter, a few lizard guards, and some of the goblin leaders Gabiru involved in the orc conflict. On the other side were five of the orcs, all of whom wore dreadful expressions.

"Alright, since everyone is here and seated, I'll begin things. First of all, since they were under the influence of the Orc Lord's skill, I do not hold the orcs accountable for what has happened." This statement surprised the orcs, who likely thought their people would all be killed. I turned my gaze to Treyni, "Thanks to the dryads and some of the information Benimaru gave, while I don't think the famine was caused by a Demon Lord, I do believe they used it to create what has happened."

"The majin that named my son," The chief stated, "Sharing the same appearance as the one reported by you and the kijin and goblins. I can see there is an outside influence, but what is the motive?"

I shrugged, "I don't know, the fact Treyni chased off a clown of a different appearance than the one that attacked the ogre village during the battle means this wasn't just that majin's plan. For now, it's best to be cautious."

"Back on the matter of the orcs, what of the damages caused?" The chief asked.

"Yesterday's enemy is tomorrow's friend," Benimaru answered, "If our lord says they are not accountable, then they are forgiven."

"A kijin? For you to say that..." The chief nodded his head, "If the ogre tribe can move past it, then the pride of the lizardmen can be ignored."

"You're fine with that?" I asked.

"The winner of the war is Lord Dove, I have no objections to your decisions," The chief expanded, "However, there is a concern I must confirm. By not charging the orcs, do you intend to welcome the surviving orcs into the forest?"

"Yes, that was my plan from the start."

"But fifteen hundred thousand-"

I gestured to pause the chief, "Is a lot, I agree. That's why I would like to the orcs to be spread out and help the villages around the forest. And in return, they get food and a place to live. Also, learning skills will help them build their own villages and reduce the burden all around. Ultimately, my goal is to make the forest a peaceful place to live, no matter who it is."

"Is it-t," The orcs finally spoke up, "Is it really fine for all of us to take part in it?"

"Of course, that's literally what I am saying," I laughed.

"Then we too will cooperate," The chief agreed, standing up only to lower himself to his knees. The others joined him.

Tryeni smiled, "It is decided. As the manager of the forest I, Treyni, hereby pledge that I recognize Dove Tempest as the new master of the Great Jura Forest." She lowered herself with them.

"You are all too serious, you aren't below me so raise your heads." Benimaru raised his, along with the rest of the kijin, the others followed their example. "This is not a time for looking down on each other up but helping one another stand up. So let us face tomorrow with our heads up together."

"Yes, sir!" The majority yelled, with the orcs still seldom.

During the break that followed. Benimaru told me how he and the other kijin were approached by the hooded orc, who believed that they wanted to eradicate all the orcs that attacked their village. To monsters, hatred isn't something easily appeased.

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