Chapter 3

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"So you and Ben huh." Mikey stated bluntly, swinging his backpack over his shoulder and pushing his black framed glasses up.
Frank was taken back by the forwardness and asked "What about it?" The shorter boy stuffed his hands in his pants pockets and the two started walking towards the exit. They were headed to the back of the school where the football game was supposed to be held. Honestly Mikey didn't want to go because sports weren't really his thing but since Frank practically begged him to go he had no choice but to sit and watch the boring event.
"Oh nothing." Mikey tried to dismiss the subject before he said something he'd probably regret later but Frank wasn't buying the bullshit that he was producing.

"There's obviously something since you brought it up." Frank huffed and pushed the door open leading to the outside and he held the door open for his lanky friend who mumbled a 'thank you'.
"Well no offence bu-"
" --There's gonna be a lot of offence." Frank chuckled
"Okay well I was just gonna say that Ben's kind of a jerk" Mikey admitted sheepishly and Frank simply scoffed. Frank wasn't mad like most people would be, it's not like Mikey was completely wrong. But once again Frank was to much of a chicken to admit to the fact that he was dating a douchebag.
"He's not that bad Mike's" Frank shrugged and he took his hands out of his pocket to grab a hold of Mikeys arm so he wouldn't lose him in the crowd of people. They wormed there way through the large group of people and up the stairs until they found a seat all the way at the top the furthest away from the field.
Mikey shrugged his backpack off his shoulders and sat it on his lap and unzipped it and pulled out two packets of sour skittles and 1 brisk ice tea for himself and a brisk Fruit Punch for Frank. He handed both items to Frank who thanked him and tore open the green packet of skittles and poured a couple of the sour candies into his hand and put a couple in his mouth and grimaced at the sour taste an Mikey simply laughed and did the same thing and marvelled at the fruity taste.
It was soon when the game started and neither boys payed much attention. They spent most of there time talking and they cheered occasionally but other than that they were completely lost. They didn't know what team was winning, they assumed it was they're school who was considering how many excited squeals and happy shouts were heard, they were nearing the 4th inning and soon the game would be over. Frank and Mikey just sat there and looked at the people on the field who looked kind of small from where they sat, they're was a guy running across the field (well they're were a lot of guys that were) but he was dodging all the opposing teams players. He was fast Frank had to admit, the boy finally made it to the goal. Everybody on Franks side of the bleachers stood up and there was cheers of glee,and people whistling,everybody had a smile on they're face.
It was a couple minutes later when everybody ran off the bleachers to the field to applaud the teammates,Frank and Mikey were the last people off because they waited for the path to clear up so they wouldn't get tripped or fall off the bleachers because both would be equally embarrassing and they would rather not get laughed at.
The pair made there way onto the field trying to find Franks boyfriend it wasn't that hard to find him because he was with all his friends who were all in a circle laughing and cheering. Soon though Ben turned around and noticed Franks presence the blondes smiled and pulled Frank into his sweaty embrace "Hey babe" Ben kissed Franks forehead and Frank pulled away from the embrace because Ben didn't smell that well and he'd rather just talk from a distance so he didn't end up smelling like a sweaty gym sock too.
"Hey Ben, congrats for winning the football game." Frank smiled softly while Mikey stood there awkwardly. It was then that the boy noticed that Mikey was being sized up by his boyfriend,
"Who's the loser?"Ben turned his attention back to Frank who suppressed a glare.
"He's my best friend, you met him before."Frank answered truthfully and sent an aplogetic look in Mikeys direction. The brown haired boy simply smiled.
"Oh... Mitchell right?" The blonde said and Mikey really wanted to rip out his vocal cords at the moment but decided against because he doesn't want to spend his life in prison.

"It's Mikey"Mikey put on a fake smile to make it seem like he was less angry about how the guy forgot his name and called him a loser.
Mikey always wondered why Frank took the time to put up with his guy. He considered that maybe Frank liked the attention, or maybe it's his first boyfriend and he was afraid to dump the boy. There were a lot of different scenarios he came up with in his head, sure he was curious but it seemed like it was none of his business. So he kept his ideas to himself.

"Right, but anyway Frankie there's gonna be a party at my place. You coming?" Frank shook his head silently saying no
" I'm gonna go to Mikeys to study for the math test." Frank explained while Ben seemed uninterested.

"Yeah, okay. I guess I'll see you tomorrow. Yeah?" Frank nodded giving his boyfriend one last goodbye before Ben turned back to his group of friends.
Mikey and Frank started they're journey back to the brown haired boys house it wasn't that long of a walk probably about 15 minutes or so. It was a silent journey back to the Ways residence it wasn't an awkward silence it was more of a comfortable one. All was heard was the light traffic of cars driving by and the slap of there shoes on the pavement. Soon they were walking up the driveway to mikey's house neither of the 2 cars that his family owned were there meaning that his mom and older brother were gone. It wasn't much of a surprise that the older Way brother wasn't home because he usually never is unless he needs to be home or if there is an emergency. Mikey figured that his mom probably had to work overtime at the hospital so he wasn't surprised about that either. With a sigh Mikey fished his key out of his pants pocket and put the key in the lock and unlocked the door. The pair both walked in and Frank slid off his shoes at the door to be polite and Mikey rolled his eyes and walked ahead of the shorter boy and he went to his room and dropped his backpack on the floor and came back.
"Well this is where I live,"Mikey chuckled and grabbed the other boys wrist and dragged him to the kitchen Frank keeping up with his fast pace because he was use to it. "Do you want anything to drink, or eat." Mikey asked while rummaging through the pantries in search for some snacks. He made a noise of approval when he found what he was looking for which looked to be some Teddy Graham's. Frank snorted at his choice of food.
"Yea something to snack on." Frank replied.
It was an hour or two later when the boys found themselves throwing graham crackers at each other. They were supposed to be studying but ended up playing video games to pass the time, but they did attempt to study but that only lasted 20 minutes tops.

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