Chapter 14

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I suddenly woke up, my head hurt and my whole clothes were wet due to sweating, I looked around me to find a familiar place but not mine

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I suddenly woke up, my head hurt and my whole clothes were wet due to sweating, I looked around me to find a familiar place but not mine

Oh, last night I came home with Sadiya

I threw the bedsheet and sat in the corner, I poured some water into my dry mouth, the warm water blessed my throat

When the tshirt was sticking to my body I simply removed it, outside it was still dark, when I looked at the time it was around 3

The silence is too loud, I can hear my breathing sounds

"Meoww" I turned and looked at the window, it was open and I saw Mickey sitting there looking at me

Sorry boy, today your mom is not in this room

"Come here" I sat patting the place beside me on the bed, he jumped down and came near me, I lifted him up and made him sit on the bed

"Hi grumpy" I said shaking it's tail and he kicked my hands and I laughed "come sleep with me" I said and layed down and he also layed down beside me

The door suddenly open and I saw Sadiya, what was she doing at this time? Didn't normal humans sleep or maybe rest

She didn't even see towards me, her first sight was at the window, she went and looked outside the widow

If she is looking for the grumpy, he is sleeping right beside me

Mickey also looked at her raising his head, then I looked at him and he looked at me

"Meowww" hearing Mickey's voice she turned and looked at him "you are-" she stopped when she looked at me

I kept a hand on my head for support and looked at her and raised a eyebrows, she was paused like a statue

"You are awake? You want something?" She asked and I shook my head, suddenly I realise something and looked at myself

The reason she was shocked was because I was shirtless

Were are my manners? Were are my upbringing? Where is my tshirt?

I grabbed my tshirt and wore it

"It was good-" I couldn't the next words because she was standing far from me

I looked up at her and blinked, she just gave a smile and shook her head saying 'nothing'

"Come Mickey, you didn't had anything" she said and he jumped from the bed going with her

"I will be back" she said and went from there, I yawned and nodded, when she went I looked around the room.

I didn't had the chance to look at her room before

Fairy lights on the light pink walls, her graduation and school photos, family photos on the walls

Pretty simple, maybe because she lives in jaipur

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