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One and a half years later

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One and a half years later

"When did you wake up?" I asked in sore voice, I need water, I just got up from sleep

I looked at Ayaan ji, who was looking at me, he was awake so early in the morning, he flipped his hair and kept a finger on his lips asking me to be quiet

I looked between us and saw Aleena, our 10 months daughter sleeping peacefully, her soft snowy face, lips parted breathing soundlessly

"She got up crying, I just now put her to sleep" he whispered closing his eyes and yawning, wait- why didn't I hear her crying?

"Why didn't I wake up? Or why didn't you wake me up?" I asked and he was already asleep, maybe he was to tired, I smiled, our daughter cries a lot, she gets up atleast 4 times in a night or just don't sleep

I got up and went to the washroom, my body is just not normal after birth, to many changes including back pain

But All that was worth it, to hold her in my arms, to see her big eyes looking at me, small small hands which never leaves mine

Her smiling and confused and curious face, her laying in her father's arm every morning for the sunlight

"You need to sleep baby" I said when I saw her eyes wide open, she blinked at me, for the first time she is so calm

"Come here" I took her in my arms and moving her up and down soo she could sleep and she slept

It was 6 in the morning, I won't get any more sleep, I got up and went down to kitchen, Mickey followed me when he saw me getting up, behind him his 4 minions kids followed him

"I am fine guys" I said turning back and all of them stopped bumping into each other

They all are grown up, and still act like kids

Mickey came because he is hungry, he is 24/7 hungry that's not the matter, I have him milk and cleaned there kitchen mess from last night

"I am here to do that ma'am, you don't have to" our housekeeper said and I shook my head, either me or him cooks good it would be fine, if we both cook together, it's a mess and this is what happened last night

"It's too dirty, I can do it" I said and she smiled doing the remaining work

After that I took a glass of milk and went back to room up, when I open the door sipping I paused

Aleen smiled at me with 2 half grown teeth and was sitting on the bed, this girl is up to something, this girl is up to som-

"Ouch ahhh" she threw herself on her father's stomach and he hissed, I choked on milk and ran

"No! You should not do that" I said and glared at her picking her in my arms, she looked at me and hey lips wobbled

"Okay okay, calm down, I am sorry, mumma is sorry for scolding" I said patting her back and she kept her head on my shoulder circling her hands around my neck

Hated to be loved [#4 Ishq kiya series]Where stories live. Discover now