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"I don't know" I sighed "Do you think that she loves me?"

"Yeah! It's not that her brain has stopped somewhere it's just she does remember anything from her life!" Max said "You have to do it"

"Max is right! We all know Marta and she's so in love with you! We can see this!" Lando agreed "Just do it"

"How?" I asked "I have any idea"

"Mhm" Max smiled "Take her for a picnic when you'll go back in Monaco"

"In the beach!" Lando added "And when you'll serve her the expensive pink champagne to Marta kneel and ask her to be your wife!"

"Yes!" Max agreed and he had a high five with Lando "I got jealous!"

"I'll hell mom look Valentine and I'll do it as we'll go back in Monaco" I smiled proudly "I love her so I hope she likes it"

I looked at the time and I have to go for the interviews, I said goodbye to the guys and I walked in Sky Italia

I got a phone call it's Luca, Marta's brother, I nodded to the camera as I ended and I called him back, immediately

"Hey Luca!" I said

"Hi Charles! Congratulations on P4!"

"Thank you so much! How are you? Your grandparents?" I walked out of the media corner

"We all are good! I called you to ask if we can come in Monaco and visit you and Marta, we all want to see her especially after the accident"

"Of course you can come! I'll book five tickets to take your wife and kid"

"No Maria and Ivan will stay back in Croatia I don't want the little one watch Marta like this"

"Okay I'll book three tickets for Tuesday evening! I think there is a flight basically I remember it since I was coming in Croatia to see Marta" I smiled "I'll text you the details! I'm sure it'll help her!"

"Thank mate you're saving me!"

"I didn't do anything" I giggled "I have to go! Bye!"

"Bye and thank you!"

I hanged up and placed my phone back on my pocket, Carlos walked at me

"Just tell me that they didn't ask" He sighed

"Hopefully they didn't! Sky Italia respects me but I don't think the same for the Spanish channel" I sighed disappointed

"They'll ask I'm sure, what will you answer?" Carlos asked

"Silvia said say that Marta is fine and that we try to keep our private lives for us" I answered "I have to go now for the interview"

"Good see you after" Carlos patted my back softly

It was an exhausting day but now I'm on my flight back home, Valentine and Marta are probably sleeping so I'll just text her as soon as I'll arrive


I felt someone cuddling on my arm and I opened my eyes to watch Valentine next to me and Marta looking at us

"Good Morning to the girls of my life" I kissed Valentine's head and Marta's lips "Missed both of you! Did you have fun in London with Charlotte?"

"Yeah it was an amazing weekend!" Marta nodded smiling "My brother called and he said that he'll come with our grandparents"

"I couldn't say no to something that I hope it would help you sunshine" I stroked her cheek

"You did the right thing" Marta agreed "I love you so much"

"I love you too ma chérie" I smiled at her, Valentine let a small cute scream and we both looked at her "Dad loves you as well ma chérie!"

I kissed Valentine's small hair and she stretched her body, I'm so happy to have them

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