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"Ma chérie I'm home" Charles said and I didn't answer, I pretended I was sleeping "Oh you're sleeping then I'll leave"

I wanted to start screaming, Charles left the bedroom and I only wanted to throw the suitcase on his head

I stood up and I grabbed my phone to call Riccardo I am so sure that he fucking knows what happened

"Hey how are you?" I asked smiling

"Hey pretty Marta! Good just put Chiara to sleep, what about you?"

"Good but Valentine sleeps an hour ago" I said laughing "Can I ask you something?"

"Of course you can" Riccardo agreed immediately

"Charles is lying to me about something and I really want to find out what happened" I sat on the bed nervously

"Marta look I promised not saying anything to anyone" Riccardo sighed

"He's lying to me and I can't believe that he's doing that to me" I wanted to cry "Riccardo please"

"He's seeing his ex" As Riccardo said that I froze "I know it's stupid of him but you had to know"

"Are you kidding me?" I wanted to raise the tone of my voice "I can't believe that this actually happens! He's cheating on me?"

"I don't know what he's doing but I can't tell you the truth without knowing"

"Thanks for telling me I really appreciate that, please don't say anyone that we talked" I said madly

"Yeah don't worry!" Riccardo sighed "I want you calm"

"Amazing! Good Night"

"Good Night Love" Riccardo answered

I hanged up and I grabbed my suitcase, I changed into leggings and a T-Shirt, I wore my sneakers and I placed all mine and Valentine's clothes in two suitcases

I took Valentine and I change her into a cute outfit with black leggings and a pink long sleeve top, I took a look at the flights to Split, the next flight from Bologna with connection in Frankfurt to Split at 1 AM

I called a taxi and placed the suitcases in the front the door, I took Valentine and my bag and walked out of the house

The taxi came and we got in the car, I will go to my grandparents and legs hope Luca won't talk to Charles


A few hours later I was in Split and I took a taxi for the house, we arrived there and my grandpa was in the veranda drinking his croatian coffee

"Marta!" My grandpa was so happy seeing me

I walked and gave him a hug, he's so happy watching me coming back home

"Što radite ovdje?" ("What are you doing here?") My grandpa asked smiling

"Nije ti se svidjelo da me gledaš?" ("You didn't like watching me?") I asked laughing

"Ne! Apsolutno je nevjerojatno!" ("No! It's absolutely amazing!") My grandpa looked at Valentine that she was leaning against my arm

We walked in the house and my grandma was there as well, she got really happy watching me and Valentine there

My little girl was sleepy so I walked in my bedroom and I let her lay there to sleep, I opened my phone and I had so many texts and missing calls from Charles, Arthur, Lorenzo, Charlotte, Pascale, Rebecca, Carlos, Max, Kelly and Marija

My fame arrived until Portugal, I don't want talk to anyone but also I have to tell them that both Valentine and I are fine

So I texted all of them that called and texted me except Charles telling them that both Valentine and I are fine and they don't have to worry


"I got a text from Marta!" Lorenzo said

"Me too" Charlotte said

"Same" Max said

"Me too" My mom added

"Ha! Me too" Carlos said

"Me too" Rebecca agreed

"Marta texted me as well" Kelly said as well

"Yeah me too" Arthur agreed

I grabbed my phone but I had no texts or calls from anyone

"Nothing" I sighed

"Did something happened?" Carlos asked "Marta would never disappear without letting you know"

"I am perfect I didn't do anything!" I defended myself "If any one knows what happened to my girlfriend and she left with our daughter needs to tell us"

"Arthur?" Lorenzo said "She's close with you"

"No" My little brother sighed

"Kelly?" I asked

"No" She sighed

"Rebecca?" I asked and she got in shock not knowing what to say "You know something, don't you?"

"Well" The Scottish girl sighed "Marta shared with me some of her thoughts, you lied to her for the day you left and said that you went on the track and you didn't go, we both know that"

"Fuck" I sighed

"Charles!" My mom said madly "Why are you lying to your wife?"

Should I help them or they'll hit me?

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