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I opened my eyes, a nurse was over my head and I got panicked

Where in the heck am I?

I looked at my hands

Who am I?

The nurse said something in one language that I couldn't understand

Then she walked away and I stayed alone in a room, I am probably in a hospital

Three men and a woman walked in the room, I sat up and I made a move and I realised how scared I was

The one guy was wearing something around his neck and he was the only one who walked closer to me tried to touch me but I pushed myself away

"Marta" He whispered "You okay sweetie?"

"I'm not Marta" I said madly wanting to defend myself

"You are Marta sweetheart" A doctor walked in "I'm Doctor Allard and you are in Princess Grace Hospital in Monaco"

"Why I don't remember it?" I asked madly

"You had a car accident and it seems that you hit your head way too much and you have amnesia" The doctor sighed and he came closer to me, he took a look to my eyes with a flashlight "It's clearly amnesia" he made a step back

"Who am I?" I whispered "Why I don't remember my name?"

"You had amnesia that it deleted all the memories! Your name is Marta Adamovic and you are from Split, in Croatia" The doctor said "This" he pointed to the guy with something around his neck "He's your boyfriend, Charles"

Well I can say that I have a good taste, Charles seems handsome

"What happened? Why we crashed?" I asked looking at that Charles

"Well it was raining, our 8 month old daughter Valentine was crying! And as you say she's too dad's girl so I was trying to calm her with you. I lost the control of the car and we hit to the right side of the road, your side was to a tree but fortunately Valentine had her car seat and it protected her" Charles smiled softly "Valentine did three stitches to her forehead and now she's with my mother"

"You okay?" I asked pointing at his neck

"Yeah I just broke my neck" Charles giggled softly "How do you feel?"

"Strange with the whole situation" I placed some hairs behind my ears "But something tells me to trust you"

"You can trust me and we're going to work on this! Don't worry! We'll help each other" Charles touched my hand and I accepted it "You can ask every stupid detail you want!"

I looked at the two guys and the woman behind us

"Oh them!" Charles giggled "So this is my brother Lorenzo" he pointed to the dark hair guy "He's my older brother! She's his girlfriend Charlotte! And my younger brother Arthur"

"Hi" I smiled

They all said hello back and then I looked at Charles

"You are a professional model for an agency called IMG models and we're living together here in Monaco! You have a twin brother Luca and your parents died involved in a plane accident, you grew up with your grandmother Sofia" Charles said smiling

"You?" I asked

"I am a professional driver in Formula 1, it's the biggest category of motorsport! I drive for Ferrari, my mom's name is Pascale and my dad died a few years ago due to cancer" Charles sighed

"Oh" I giggled awkwardly "I mean I want to see our daughter"

"Yeah sure" Charles grabbed his phone from his pocket and he opened his phone showing the Lock Screen at me "This is you, Valentine and myself in Brazil a week ago where we were for Christmas"

"So it's the new year?" I asked

"Yes when the accident happened I was driving us back home from my mom's house where we had our lunch" Charles placed his phone back to his pocket "We are in Monaco"

Well I can say that I have no idea what it's going on with my life

I am a professional model dating a Formula 1 driver and having a kid with him!


The next day Charles took me back home with his car, as we got in I smelled something known

I walked in the apartment and I was looking at the white and gold decoration, well I think I decorated the house because I love it

Charles was behind me the whole time

I walked and then I arrived to the white living room, it was a woman there having a little girl to her arms, Lorenzo, Arthur and Charlotte were there as well

"Hi sweetheart!" Charlotte stood up to give me a hug
"You okay?" She asked breaking the hug

"Yes!" I smiled softly, I looked at the baby again "is this-"

"Our daughter" Charles said "Go to her"

I walked and the woman, that is Charles' mom gave me Valentine

"Here you are" She said smiling

I took Valentine to my arms, she leaned against my chest and I giggled softly stroking her head

"Hey you" I said softly "You are such an angel"

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