at school 🏫

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Dekisugi is continuously looking at Nobita.

But Nobita don't know about this and he's totally busy in talking with Shizuka

Then dekisugi comes between Nobita and Shizuka and he said guys if you want we can go Library together?

Shizuka said yes why not dekisugi (with smile)

*Nobita makes pout and gets jealous*

Dekisugi asks Nobita
You'll also come Nobita right?

But Nobita says no I don't want to come and he gets upset

Nobita's pov:

Why this dekisugi always comes between us huhh can't he left us alone

I love Shizuka I want to propose her
But this dekisugi always comes between us

Nobita's pov end

*Everyone is going to home*

Nobita is going to home with gian and suneo and as always they are teasing Nobita for fun
Suddenly someone touched nobita's shoulder

Nobita saw and he said ohhh Shizuka what are you doing here? Didn't you go with dekisugi ?

Shizuka said no he cancelled! I don't know why he said now he don't want to go Library

Nobita replies ohh ok

*At nobita's home*

Nobita says
Mom!! I'm home

*Tamako* her mother replies welcome Nobita.

Nobita goes to his room and throws away his bag and he lays down on the floor as usual

Doraemon asks Nobita how was your day ?

Nobita replies (hmm) good but you know that dekisugi I hate him he always comes between me and Shizuka

Doraemon replies ohh it's ok Nobita we can't do anything so don't mind

After some time
Nobita goes outside to play in ground

He's playing with gian and suneo

Suddenly Shizuka and dekisugi comes there and they saw that gian is going to hit Nobita because Nobita did not played well

But dekisugi stopped gian and said
Gian you can't hurt Nobita leave him

Then Gian stopped.

And Nobita said thanks to dekisugi
Dekisugi just smiled to Nobita

Nobita's pov:

I hate dekisugi but why he always treat me right? It's strange that I'm rude to him but he's still good to me

*Next day at school*

There was an suprise test
Because of that everyone scored poor marks

Teacher said to students:
You need to study more for your good future!

Then after school in a group of gian suneo Nobita dekisugi and Shizuka

Dekisugi said we should do group study guys it will help us a lot

Everyone agrees instead of Nobita because he hates dekisugi so he don't want to go dekisugi's house

But because Shizuka forced Nobita so Nobita agreed!

Dekisugi's pov:

Nobita I'm all this doing to just to see you because of group study I'll get to spend some time with you
You don't know but I have feelings for you and soon I'll make you mine!

I know you hate me but I will make you fall in love with me my dear!

Dekisugi's pov end!

*Next day at school*

In corridor*

Nobita was going towards classroom
And some bullies *seniors*

Starts teasing Nobita and they throws Nobita's bag

Nobita gets scared he said
Don't do this I'll complaint to the teacher and he starts crying

And one bully was going to hit Nobita

Suddenly dekisugi comes there and he said
Hey you stop don't dare to touch Nobita leave him or I will call teacher here

Bullies seniors said ohhhh you're trying to scared us ?? And they laughed and they pulled nobita's coller

The dekisugi gets more angry

It was strange
The bullies scared after seeing dekisugi's angry face

Because dekisugi's innocent face turns into devil

And the bullies left!

Nobita got embarrassed and he gets red after seeing dekisugi's angry face he scared too

But then dekisugi smiled to Nobita
And said are you okay?

Nobita nodded* and says hmm thanks dekisugi! And then they went to classroom.

Nobita And Dekisugi I Will Make You Mine♡ Dekisugi And Nobita Where stories live. Discover now