strange feelings!

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At nobita's house*

Hey Doraemon! I'm going to dekisugi's house for group study everyone decided to do group study so I'm also going.

Doraemon replies: ohh ok Nobita study well!

*At dekisugi's house*

Dekisugi is looking at Nobita
And Nobita is confused in one question
Dekisugi realised and he suddenly grabbed Nobita's hand and said
Let me help you Nobita

Nobita looks at dekisugi and he moved his hand and nodded*hmm*

Did you understood Nobita? Dekisugi said

Nobita replies ahmm no

Dekisugi said let me explain one more time!

This time Nobita got it and he smiled to dekisugi and said thanks dekisugi

Like this after group study
They decide Tomorrow is Sunday we will go to the park !

Dekisugi said yes and I will do sketch there will be nice view

Suneo said I'll bring badminton we'll play with badminton 🏸

Everyone agrees!

Then they all went to there home

At Nobita's house*

Ohh you're back welcome Nobita
Doraemon said

Nobita replies yes Doraemon do you know we all are going to park tomorrow you will also want to come?

Doraemon replies ohh yes I will also come *with smile*

Next day at school*

It's was a physical education period

Everyone in the school ground and teachers said
now there will be a race

All get to there position
And 1 2 3 start

All started running so fast
But suddenly Nobita fell down and he started crying

Everyone ignored and they keep running they went ahead

But dekisugi and Shizuka stopped for Nobita

And dekisugi saw nobita's knee was bleeding

And Nobita was crying in so much pain he was not able to walk that time
Then dekisugi decided to carry Nobita on his back

And he carried Nobita to the medical room

And Shizuka was worried but teacher said that dekisugi is there so you go keep running
Shizuka nodded and she went ahead

At medical room

(Nobita is crying)

Dekisugi brings first aid box
And he start putting medicine on Nobita's knee with cotton

Nobita says softly please it's hurting

Dekisugi's eyes got teary but he hide it
He can't see Nobita in so much pain

But after sometime Nobita gets well
And they all went to there house

Nobita's pov:

Ahh why this dekisugi is doing this
Why I can't hate him anymore
He's so nice but why he always cares for me ?

Nobita has so many questions

Nobita's pov end

Nobita And Dekisugi I Will Make You Mine♡ Dekisugi And Nobita Where stories live. Discover now