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They saw in time tv

when Nobita went to market for his mom told him to bring some vegetables

Then suddenly some bullies came and starts teasing Nobita
And they beat up Nobita so bad
And then they forced Nobita to eat expired bread and they forced him to eat that's why Nobita got sick and got food poisoned

After see this everyone was in so much anger

Doraemon was searching for his best gadget to revenge for Nobita

But suddenly they saw dekisugi left from there in anger

And he knows that who are that bullies
And he goes to the bullies

And dekisugi was so angry that he beat up all the bullies
And warned them to don't dare to touch Nobita again or he will kill them

They all bullies get scared and they run away from there

Then dekisugi comes to Nobita's house and he smiled to Nobita and said Nobita don't worry now they will never going to tease you again

They all were shocked that dekisugi took revenge of Nobita

Doraemon said thanks dekisugi you're Nobita's best friend! That you cared about him that much

Dekisugi replies
No worry I'll take care of him

Then they all went from there

Next day at nobita's house

Dekisugi come to meet Nobita
Alone he bring some flowers with him to give Nobita

Nobita's mom said

Ohh dekisugi welcome you come to meet Nobita ? He's in his bedroom you can go inside

Dekisugi goes to Nobita's room
And he saw Nobita was sleeping and Doraemon was not there

*Doraemon is went to get medicines for Nobita*

Dekisugi comes towards Nobita and he holds his hand
And got teary eyes and dekisugi said in his mind*
Nobita please get well soon I can't see you like this

You're my love I want to tell you that how much I love you
I want to marry you but I can't tell you right now

But soon I will propose you

And he kissed nobita's forehead

( Nobita was in deep sleep so he don't know that dekisugi is there)

Dekisugi put the flowers on the table
After some time Doraemon came and he saw dekisugi

Doraemon said
Ohh hey dekisugi

By the way no worryy soon Nobita will be okay

Dekisugi nodded while smiling

After few days*

Nobita is well now

Nobita got to know that dekisugi took his revenge
So he goes to dekisugi and said thanks
And he asks dekisugi why you do so much care about me??

Dekisugi hesitates and said
Ahmm because you're my best friend Nobita so it's my responsibility to take care of you

Nobita said thanks again

In school*

in the classroom
It's break so no teacher is there

Most of the students are outside the class

Nobita was looking at the window while smiling

Dekisugi comes towards Nobita and said what happened Nobita you're looking so happy ?

Nobita gets shy

Dekisugi said please tell me I'm your best friend

Nobita said do you know dekisugi today I'm going to propose Shizuka

That's why I'm nervous and excited

Dekisugi gets upset after this

Nobita thought that dekisugi is upset because he likes Shizuka and
Now I'm going to propose her

( But we all know that why dekisugi is upset )

After school

Nobita invite Shizuka to the park and he said we will play together

Shizuka said today?? Actually I'm busy

Nobita gets sad
Then Shizuka said wait I will ask suneo actually I'm going to movie with him

Nobita gets shocked and said ohhh then you will not come with me ?

Shizuka said I will come tomorrow to play with you

Nobita replies ( hmm)

Next day in the park*

Nobita was happy
Shizuka came

Dekisugi was also there but he was hide behind the plants

Nobita said
Hey Shizuka I have to tell you something for a long time

Shizuka replies what Nobita ? Tell me

Then Nobita bend to his knee and gives a flower to Shizuka and said
I like you Shizuka will you be my girlfriend??

Shizuka gets shocked and she hesitated and replies
I'm really sorry Nobita I can't
Because I love suneo
And I have to tell you I'm girlfriend of suneo I'm sorryy

Nobita gets shocked and upset his eyes got teary

And he didn't replied anything
He just gets up and went from there
While wiping his tears.

Nobita And Dekisugi I Will Make You Mine♡ Dekisugi And Nobita Where stories live. Discover now