did we kissed?

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Now after some days*

Nobita is going to dekisugi's house to meet him

( Nobita don't know but now dekisugi is a safe place for Nobita)

That's why he goes to meet dekisugi many times

At dekisugi's house*

Dekisugi's mom said
Ohh Nobita welcome dekisugi is taking bath you can go and wait for him in his bedroom

Nobita replies okay aunty

Nobita is sitting on the bed

And dekisugi don't know about that Nobita is there

After some time dekisugi came out with just a towel

And when Nobita saw dekisugi's wet half naked body he get blushed and get red and he lowered his eyes while blushing

Dekisugi also get blushed
But there was running something naughty in dekisugi's mind

Dekisugi comes to bed to bring his clothes

But because of his wet foot he slipped over Nobita on the bed

They both were on the bed

Nobita got so much red and Nobita hands were on the dekisugi's wet warm chest

Dekisugi could not control his self

And he started kissing Nobita's lips

Nobita closed his eyes

Then dekisugi gently grabbed Nobita waist and starts sucking nobita's neck

Nobita was moaning and said
Ahhh~ what are you doing dekisugi?
Stop someone will come

Dekisugi replies no babyy I will not stop this time and he continued kissing Nobita

And Nobita was also feeling good
That's why Nobita did not stopped dekisugi and he was enjoying the kiss

It was strange but good feeling for both of them

After a long kiss the get up
And Nobita was so confused that what just happened to him

And without saying something he run out of there

Dekisugi blushed and thought
Your lips are so soft and good Nobita

I love you Nobita babé and dekisugi smirked*

At nobita's house*

Nobita came home and he was still in shock that why he allowed dekisugi to kiss him ? And what dekisugi just did
Now what will happen??

Doraemon comes and he said
What happened Nobita why you're sweating??

Nobita replies with hesitation
D-do-doraemon nothing
Nothing happened

Doraemon forced him
But Nobita did not told Doraemon that what happened to him

Next day at school*

Nobita was scared that now
how he'll make eye contact to dekisugi

Nobita was thinking that why why just that thing happened ? And why I was enjoying that did I'm g- ? No no
But why that was so good
Why I'm missing him it's weird

( Yupp Nobita starts falling in love with dekisugi)

Suddenly Nobita saw dekisugi is coming towards him

Nobita got nervous and he lowered his eyes

Dekisugi came and said hey Nobita babyy how are you feeling today?

Nobita replies what baby?? Why are you calling me baby ?
Dekisugi are you okay?

Why are you doing this

Dekisugi holds Nobita's hands
And he took him to the terrace

On terrace*

Dekisugi pushed Nobita to the wall and he pinned nobita's hand to the wall

And he get to much closer to Nobita

Nobita got blushed and said
D-de-dekisugi what are you doing??
Please leave me

Dekisugi replied huhhh Nobita you want to know right ? That why I'm doing this

Then listen...

*To be continued*
I know guys you're curious to know what happened next

Just see the next part that will be
interesting 🌚

Nobita And Dekisugi I Will Make You Mine♡ Dekisugi And Nobita Where stories live. Discover now