Miss - Chapter 8

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~Eva's POV~

As Theodore stumbles backward, a mix of shock and fear etched on his face, Tom stands tall, his gaze unwavering. I watch the scene unfold with relief and apprehension. The tension in the room is palpable, thick with unspoken truths. I'm sure by now Theo knows what is going on.
He scrambles to regain his composure, his pride wounded and his authority challenged, Tom maintains a steely resolve. "Leave now, Mr. Orlov," he commands, his voice cutting through the charged atmosphere like a blade. "This is not a battle you want to fight. Take what dignity you have left and go."
What a handsome man he is when his temper shows. Whoa, what am I thinking? I can't take my eyes off Tom Riddle. With a final, defiant glare, Theodore retreats, his footsteps echoing down the hallway. The silence that follows is heavy with the weight of unspoken words and unresolved conflicts. Tom's eyes meet mine, I show him my gratitude.
As the door closes behind Theo, a sense of liberation washes over me. Finally, at least for now, I will have my peace.
I eye Tom hesitantly after what occurred before Theodore came, the kiss... "I - Thank you, Tom."
His dark eyes meet mine and they seem to be even darker than before, his fury is written on his face. I can tell if I wasn't here, this is not how it would have ended, and a small part of me is really attracted by the idea of Tom being capable of such a thing. Did he do it for me? Probably not. It's his own pride he defends. It's still somewhat attractive to me, and I know it shouldn't. It will pass, right..!?
Lost in thoughts, I didn't even notice Tom approaching me. "If he comes again, tell me. I will sort things for good." I look up at him, "What do you mean, for good?"
His expression unclear, he forces a little smile, "In such a way he will not bother you again."
I decide to let it go. The truth is, maybe I don't want to hear the truth. Nodding, I look down at my hands, unconsciously touching my wedding ring. After everything that Theodore did, it's still hard thinking of this marriage to be over.

As I stand here in front of this mysterious man, still reeling from the events that just transpired, I can't help but feel a mix of emotions swirling inside me. The relief of Theodore leaving, the admiration for Tom's strength, and the guilt of feeling a strange attraction towards him. It's all too much to process in that moment, I feel like the ground underneath my feet is shaking, I feel a wave of dizziness, touching my forehead as I stumble backwards, Tom's arm reaching behind me, slowly leading me to the couch. His presence really takes me out huh...It's both comforting and unsettling. I can sense the tension between us, the unspoken words hanging in the air like a heavy fog. I know I should distance myself from him, protect myself from any further complications. But there's something about him that draws me in, something magnetic and dangerous. I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself..
As Tom's hand on mine startles me, his touch sending a shiver down my spine. I look up at him, his eyes searching mine for something I can't quite decipher..
"Thank you, Tom," I whisper, my voice barely above a breath. His gaze softens for a moment, a flicker of something vulnerable crossing his features before it's gone, replaced by his usual mask of control. As he helps me sit down on the couch, I can't help but feel a sense of unease creeping in. Tom's proximity is both comforting and unsettling, his presence casting a spell over me that I can't seem to shake off. Deep down, I know that things are far from over. As I feel Tom's hand on mine, a part of me wonders if I'm walking into a dangerous territory, one that I may not be able to escape from.. But for now, I push those thoughts aside and let myself be enveloped by the strange comfort that his presence brings.. In the end, that's what Dumbledore asked of me right..? I'm not doing this for myself.. I also do it for Tom.. Maybe he isn't lost after all.. There is a glance of hope in his eyes.. I could tell even if it was only a short moment. I slowly take of my ring, placing it on the coffee table, narrowing my eyes around the room and eventually slowly towards Tom. I steal a glance at his profile, his features chiseled and enigmatic in the dim light, a man of mystery and contradictions. Despite the chaos that surrounds us, there is a strange sense of calm in his presence, a dangerous allure that I find myself inexplicably drawn to.. I wonder if he feels the same way..
"Tom .. What you said.." He looks at me puzzled as I continue, "What did you mean..? The path of the shadows...?" As his gaze meets mine I can tell he is back to be fully professional and cold,
"Soon enough, dear. You are not ready for it yet.." - "Ready for what.." I ask. 
"Ready for the real world, Eva. But I will show you. And you will see the purpose we have. You have.. " His words sound dangerous and mysterious, just like himself.. What does he mean, why does he speak in riddles.. 
"Mr. Riddle.. You speak in riddles.." I can't help a little smile escaping, despite his serious atire.
Tom's eyes narrow slightly, a hint of a smirk playing on his lips. "All will be revealed in due time, Eva. Trust me, you will come to understand everything." His cryptic words send a chill down my spine, but a spark of curiosity ignites within me. As I gaze into his dark, enigmatic eyes, I can't help but feel a strange pull towards him, a magnetic attraction that defies logic. Despite the warning bells ringing in my mind, I find myself leaning closer to him.. too close I realize as my lips are just milimeters appart from his..
As our breaths mingle in the charged air, a sense of forbidden desire pulses between us. I can feel the heat of his body so close to mine, the tension mounting with each passing second. His gaze flickers down to my lips, a hunger burning in his eyes that sends a jolt of electricity through me. In that moment, time seems to stand still I can't deny the pull I feel towards him, the allure of the unknown drawing me in like a moth to a flame.

 In that moment, time seems to stand still I can't deny the pull I feel towards him, the allure of the unknown drawing me in like a moth to a flame

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As our lips finally meet in a searing kiss I breath out through my nose as if all tension is going down. His hands around my waist send shivers down my spine as my hands slide up his chest. In his embrace, I feel alive in a way I haven't in a long time, a surge of emotions engulfing my senses as I yield to the forbidden desire between us. A sudden thought interrupts, DON'T GO TOO FAR, my inner voice warns. In the heat of the moment, I sense Tom drawing me closer, my hands meeting his to pause him. Our lips part slowly, allowing our warm breath to mingle, and I whisper, "I..." Before I can speak, he touches my lips with his thumb, his soft words sending shivers through me, "I will go... See you tomorrow, Miss... Eva." I can't help but smile at his choice of address, Miss... I nod once as he steps away, heading towards the door.

His movements are graceful... Have I ever noticed that before? Handsome... So handsome... I shake my head slightly, bidding him good night before he exits, closing the door by magic.

What have I done? Or rather... What am I doing...?

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