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Reggie still hadn't jumped aboard my plan to get the DNA test done.

He was so against it, but the test was now something I was positive I wanted to do.

At that point it wasn't a want, it was a need.

"It's still not clicking to me why the hell you don't want me to get the test Reggie."  my footsteps followed closely behind his.

"It ain't that you shouldn't get it..." Reggie laid Shantae down in her bassinet "...I just want you to prepare for the results." he said as he pulled the blanket over her.

He took a seat on my bed, propping his feet up.

"I've known you long enough to know that, if she's you know who baby..." he pointed to baby girl.

She was sleeping peacefully and had been in Reggie's arms for the past 30 minutes.

"You gone neglect her." he shrugged.

What he said had me speechless for a minute.

Reggie had just as much information about me as the boys did, so he wasn't wrong.

There was a very high chance that if baby girl is Ja'quan's baby, I'd neglect her as if she weren't mine.

Leading us back into the living room, I flopped on the couch while Reggie hovered over me.

"You better off without the test, I'm tellin you." Reggie continued to push.

"Reggie! It's my decision."  my voice rose just a bit out of frustration "I'm getting the test and that's final."

Reggie huffed as he fell down on the couch next to me.

"Man." he signed, snatching the tv remote out of my hand "It's yo choice, better pray it's the right one."

2 weeks later|

Deciding to get the test done was not easy for me.

I'd gotten the test done last week while I was out of work.

An entire hour was spent with Ja'quan and Tim bickering while we waited for the test.

They hadn't been able to catch up on what's been going on in each others lives because they were too busy arguing.

Fast forward 1 week later, it was time for the results.

Earlier this morning I'd gotten a call from the doctors office letting me know the results were in.

Tim texted about an hour ago letting me know he got a similar call.

I assumed Ja'quan received one as well.

"Can you grab her car seat?" I asked Reggie who was sitting on my bed doing nothing while I got ready.

"And where the fuck did I put my shoe?"

Reggie went out to grab baby girls car seat while I searched for my shoe.

It wasn't behind the door so I looked under the bed.

"You sure you can take me?" I looked up from under the bed to ask.

Reggie sat on the edge of the bed, close to baby girl's bassinet.

"I don't need them trippin if they see us together, you know?"

I was now kneeling down on my knees.

My shoe wasn't underneath the bed so I checked the bathroom.

"Tell em it ain't even like that." Reggie said from the bedroom "I'm yo boss, that's it."

Ghetto Twisted Love Story pt 2Where stories live. Discover now