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My heart dropped as my eyes scanned through the results.

Tears began to fill them as I felt the realization of reality hit me.

"What?" both the boys questioned, almost in sync.

Tim's voice overrode Ja'quan's by a bit.

I was frozen completely still.

Moving wasn't something I could do at the moment.

I barely had enough will power to blink.

Every time I tried to form words, the only thing I could utter up was straight gibberish.

"Man." Ja'quan picked up the results off the floor "I ain't playing with you Tae."

He read the results, looking confused yet surprised.

It took him a minute to comprehend what he had just read.

A smile crept upon his face while a tear ran down mine.

"I knew it." Ja'quan smirked, "I fucking knew it!"

Tim took the paper out of Ja'quan's hands to read it for himself.

He read it over, and over, and over again until I snatched it out of his hand.

"Naw." he took it back "We need to take another one." he shook his head.

I couldn't even describe the look on his face.

He crumbled the paper, tossing it in the trash on his way to the door.

Still, I was frozen in my seat.

Shocked at the fact Ja'quan was actually the father of my baby girl.

"Aye!" Tim shouted down the hall.

Half of his body was sticking out the slightly opened door.

A nurse who was passing by noticed Tim shouting and came over.

I was lowkey embarrassed at how Tim was reacting.

I knew he'd be fucked up but not to the point he'd request another test.

"Aye." he called out to the nurse "We need a retake." he said.

It was unheard what the nurse responded, but I knew it wasn't something Tim wanted to hear.

So, while he was busy grabbing the attention of all the passing by nurses, Ja'quan was excited to be, now, a father of two.

Without my permission, Ja'quan clung onto baby girl's car seat handle, dragging her to him.

"Daddy's princess. I knew you was mine." he spoke to her.

I rolled my eyes at the sight of his happiness.

Unsuccessful in finding a helpful nurse, Tim re-entered the room.

"That ain't right. Can't be." he complained, "They had to of fucked something up."

Hurt was written all over his face.

I watched the pain in his eyes grow the longer he watched Ja'quan interact with baby girl.

"Shit can't be right." he complained some more.

I genuinely felt sorry for Tim.

I wanted it to be his child just as much as he wanted it to be his.

Snapping myself back into reality, I collected my things to prepare for our exit.

I took in a deep breath, trying to build up the courage to speak to Ja'quan.

I pulled baby girl's car seat off the ground, away from her no-good father.

"Just because she's yours doesn't mean I'll allow you to see her." I spoke firmly to give him the impression I no longer feared him.

Deep down we both knew parts of me were still afraid of him.

Ja'quan smacked his lips, blowing me off.

"Regardless of how she got here she mine. I'll see her when I want to, Tae." he said.

"I changed. I ain't the same nigga that used to beat you."

His constant eye contact was the one thing that made me believe he meant every word he said to me.

"I been taking anger management classes. I been working on myself." he admitted.

I nodded, "And that's good, but what you put me through is unforgivable."

Before I knew it, Ja'quan was standing up in front of me.

He grabbed my hands, placing them on top of his.

"Believe me or not, but I mean it when I say I'm sorry mami." again, his eyes were locked in with mine.

To prevent letting Ja'quan see me get emotional over him, I looked away.

I wasn't folding.

Not for him.

"I don't give a fuck Ja'quan." the hurt in my voice was noticeable, I just hoped he didn't notice.

"You raped and beat me. You think a sorry is something I want to hear?" my tone grew louder.

Yelling was the only way I could speak to him without crying right there in front of him.

"I ain't perfect, Tae. Come on man."

Ja'quan tried pleading, but it was nothing I wanted to hear.

What I wanted was for him to take it back.

Take back every bad thing he'd done to me and never to it again.

Take back every terrible thing he'd put me through and never think about it again.

"I'm leaving, Ja'quan. I'll let you know when you can see baby girl."

I left the doctor's office, baby girl in hand, Ja'quan and Tim still in the room, both in shock.

Whatever happened next between them was between them.

Opening the back door to Reggie's car, I sat baby girl down, making sure she was securely in.

"How'd it go?" Reggie leaned back in his seat to ask.

"Don't want to talk about it." I brushed him off while strapping her in completely.

I shut her door then opened the door to the passenger side.

Hopping in, I could see Reggie still hadn't smoke the rest of the blunt from earlier.

I picked it up along with the lighter.

The lighter flicked a few times before it lit the blunt, but nonetheless it was lit.

I took a few hits then passed it over to Reggie.

"Who the daddy?" he took the blunt "You ain't answered me yet."

For a few seconds I ignored him, acting as if I couldn't hear him.

I sat in my seat looking out the window.

A few parking spots over Ja'quan and Tim were getting in their cars.

Tim looked so crushed and defeated while Ja'quan had the biggest smile on his face I'd ever saw.

I felt a sense of sadness fall over me as I watched Tim pull off.

He was defeated.

"Let's go." I turned to face forward.

I put my seat belt on, waiting for Reggie to pull off.

He passed the blunt back to me, allowing me to take a few hits before pressing me again.

"Gone tell me who the daddy is?" he asked.

I hit the blunt one last time, blowing the smoke directly in his face.

Ghetto Twisted Love Story pt 2Where stories live. Discover now