Chapter 1 - The Garden of Eden

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At first, there was nothing. Existence seemed so far-fetched, what was to be of everything was not, however. And then all at once, it was.

A large explosion, light stretching far and wide, only being highlighted by the void around it. Debrises casting all around, all that was left of the bang that brought all here was a large star in the center of creation. But there was more than just this, perspectives of all realms were produced from the blast, it almost seemed like creation was almost instantaneous, and beings began to form from the stray rays of illumination. Golden dust swirled together, forming beings from these blazing embers, large feathers pieced together, stretching and fanning around their bodies. Their feet floated above the clouds around them, and what remained of the glow began to form above their heads, as if it were their own individual suns just above their minds.

The purpose was not spelled out, and yet they carried on. They all worked as if their actions were choreographed, clear, and concise at first, they knew not why they were to create but they knew they had to disregard all doubt. A hierarchy of light and virtue is what these beings began to create. Creating other creatures, ecosystems, and substance, and to hold all the most treasured of creations they made a garden.

There was only one species left for these angels to make before they truly began their purpose, these beings would be different. They would be more potent, holding much more to them than all these angels had made thus far. Made from the residue of stardust, the same as them, they formed two beings. As if mirrors of the angels, they were still naive to what existence truly meant for them, an experiment of sorts.

Adam and Lilith.

This is where humanity was meant to start, humans were made to love and adore, not just the angels above but one another and the garden they were made to reside in. To be progenitors. To rule over the fish in the waters and the birds of the heavens, all that is alive was meant to be there for them. To watch and worship. Made to be innocent, they did not know better, that would pose more of an issue than what was ever considered. The first humans did not seem to be fond of each other, both were strong-minded, and they were disharmony. Even if they were made to be equal, the two were far from the same.

Though one of the two had caught the attention of an angel, a dreamer. A young being of light with whimsical ideas for creation, he was the first to ever question, to ever doubt. But this way of thinking is what set him apart from the other luminous beings, he was the only angel who wished for more.

Lucifer, the Morningstar.

Flying down to the garden, the living star had approached the first woman. Proposing his ideas of what could be, what life would be like in his vision, and instead of calling his dreams outlandish, Lilith was the first to believe.

But this left the first man alone, too prideful to even attempt to coexist with the woman again.

Perhaps this should have been the first sign to those above. That they were not the only beings created from the explosion of life. Their existence was ordered, to create virtue, it was belief... But the concept of belief came at a price as that means uncertainty, locked away in the void, far away from it all a monstrous entity lay dormant in the darkness. And it would continue to rest, only until it was awoken by the first to ever open their eyes to all of existence.


It was darkness, the first sensation felt as if her being was underwater. Floating through nothingness, she could have allowed herself to sink, succumb to whatever lying at the bottom. If there was ever an ending to this feeling, but no- she pushed herself forward. To emerge from wherever she was, whatever lay on the other side was calling for her. Beckoning for her to come forth and open her eyes.

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