Chapter 2 - Always

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Stirring awake, Eve was very persistent in trying to wake the first man, Adam's irritation came out as a tired groan as he turned away from her. At first, she was gentle, lightly pushing at his side to try and wake him, but unfortunately, the first man seemed to be a heavy sleeper. So she tried to shove him with just a bit more force, but when that also didn't work it slowly spiraled into the woman just violently shaking him by his shoulders while calling out his name over and over again.

Putting his hand over his face, his voice set deeper in his chest than usual when he spoke, his annoyance evident in his words, "Eve- it's still dark outside, why are you even up?"

"We have to hurry or we'll miss it-!!" Eve moved from her kneeling position, standing amongst the soft grass they were sleeping by at the man who was still laid out on the floor. He was faced away from her, which only made her snatch his arm and try to drag him herself, but she barely moved him since Adam was almost comically larger than her. Pulling too hard she huffs and plops back on the ground next to him.

Adam's eyes opened, he couldn't help but let out a snort when he saw how she was pouting next to him, he knew trying to fall back asleep would be useless, pushing himself to sit up he gave her a look, silently asking her to explain herself.

"The sun is about to wake up!" She was quick to hold onto either side of his face, bringing him close to hers so he had no choice but to stare directly into her eyes as she began to speak of pure nonsense, "We have to go find it now!!!"

He was just lost as he thought about what she said, staring into her eyes with disbelief. With his face held somewhat tightly in her hands, his words were slightly muffled, "You mean the sun is going to rise?"

She nodded vigorously, letting his face go all he could do was sigh in annoyance, before forcing himself to stand. He had known Eve for a short period, but she'd already proven that it was hard to say no to her. And even harder to stay mad at her. Reaching his hand out to help her up, Eve let out a squeal of excitement as she took his hand.

Quickly rushing him to follow her, she dragged him to the tree line. Passing by many different animals, where the dirt under his feet slowly transitioned into the sand, she brought him closer to the waters from the previous days. Beginning to slow down, she hadn't let go of his hand, eagerly bringing him closer to the edge of the water.

Sitting down on the ground with her, he took another look around at the familiar landscape, it was the same lake he had brought her to just days before. It was hard to recognize the path, as the night sky was cloaking all familiar landmarks that would have made him realize where the woman was bringing him. But now the sky had switched from inky skies to a dark azure, his gaze suddenly being lost at the line where the waters met the sky.

Ever since Eve was made, there were rare moments when either of them was away from the other. They played for hours, exploring the gardens and vast amounts of land together, the feeling of solitude slowly becoming foreign to him. Two souls playing in a world created truly just for them. But doubts still existed in the cracks of Adam's mind. But he couldn't help but wonder why she was so much different than the other woman, he almost forgot about her, Lilith.

Independent, stubborn, and ran away with another being, Adam almost felt bad about how he called into question Eve's actions at times. He wasn't good with words, he wouldn't know how to ask, it seemed every time he did try to speak about how he felt he always stubbled on his words. Choking out something brash and coming off harsher than he ever meant to be, it was shameful truly. The poison from his previous companion made him skeptical of Eve, even if it was unfair of him to compare his mind sometimes wandering back to the lonely man he was before heaven made him someone new to spend his time with.

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