Chapter 4 - Seeing Stars

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A/N: Took a while because I went into a rough patch because life has been a rollercoaster. Hopefully this is good, but who knows I am not the best writer but I just hope you guys can see my vision with these two, eventually we will have our first song of the series.

Security was almost a guarantee in the garden, untouched by the unpredictability of the outside world, a perfect ecosystem where the great experiment of mankind could be observed and adored.

And yet Adam would say he had never known it before Eve. The feeling of isolation he felt almost daily disappeared, she was truly a gift to him, of course, he was not so selfish to assume that was her only purpose in life. Just watching her now, anyone could tell heaven took their time making her, each small peculiarity purposely handpicked to make a vivid picture of a woman.

She was warmth, his better half, someone he could not stand to be without.

Laying under the stars, the night was slightly frigid, but with her hand in his own, nothing but warmth engulfed his being. Blades of grass frame their figures, as they stare up at the twinkling lights in the skies.

Eve always found it so strange how the heavens seemed to dim out at night, trading their brilliant blues and fluff clouds for a raven sky. Perhaps they purposely did so for those down on earth to notice the little things, to see patterns amongst the celestial bodies above. She pointed above to show Adam, wishing to share every beautiful thing this world had to offer with him.

"Look, you can draw images in the skies, just as you showed me with the clouds- the stars also hold life in them." Moving closer to him, to the point her shoulder had touched his, she began to trace the stars in his vision.

Unconsciously leaning into her, he listened and watched intently to her words. Allowing her to paint pictures up above, with each movement and word she continued to shape his world, unknowingly allowing it to revolve around her own. Even when he could not keep up with the speed of her ideas, he could not help but just let his focus be strayed by the melody of her voice.

"...I wish to count all of them one day, or that maybe those after us could eventually find every shape the stars have to offer." Eve's smile turned soft, as she looked at Adam. That look that never failed to capture his heart, every time her eyes met his own.

Adam couldn't help but snicker a little to himself, his smile turning playful as he raised an eyebrow at her, "You're so will probably be the only person who likes to think Eve."

She only rolled her eyes, chuckling to herself. Knowing full well somehow that would not be the case, "Oh, and now you're telling me you don't like to think?"

"Of course I don't." He fired back jokingly, which immediately got Eve to give a mischievous smirk.

"That explains so much..."

"Oh, you little-"

Getting up slightly, he found that Eve was quite sensitive, probably the first human to ever be so ticklish. He was naturally stronger than her thanks to his stature, so it was easy to overwhelm her with his jestful attacks. Eve was practically roaring loudly with laughter as the sound carried through the clearing, no longer as melodic but the way she laughed so wildly like this, to the point her stomach began to hurt from how she didn't seem to have the air to breathe.

How could someone not adore such a funny sound? Adam couldn't begin to imagine.

Eve had tried and failed to pull him away, but had to settle for tapping his shoulder to get him to stop, wheezing too hard to form proper words. Her gut was now sore from how loudly she was howling with laughter, it felt like she couldn't breathe but in the best way possible.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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