Chapter 3 - Fire

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Eve continued to wander around the meadow, picking random flowers off the ground, taking just a moment to admire them before moving them to be with the others she had gathered. Unknowingly building a bouquet with an array of colors to choose from but mostly pink as she seemed to favor that color over the rest, humming to herself- it was much more reliable now that her hair was tied back to move around. She did miss how the cool breeze would blow wildly through her locks, but she also liked how pretty her hair looked this way.

She felt as if she needed to move, most of the time just trying to find something new, she loved how wonderful this world was. It made her think, that she did not have that many answers but she felt comfort in what she was certain about, and one fact she knew is that she was happy. Just enjoying the evening and the company she had here in the garden.

"What are you doing?"

Looking back, she noticed the first man sitting with his back leaning against a nearby rock. His hand holding his head, propped against his knee. His gaze was curious, just his presence seemed to make her want to discover more. He was her only companion in the garden, her mind constantly on the move she felt as if he was her center point. Always wandering she was, but she always would make her way back to him.

"I am collecting flowers, I had the most wonderful idea!" She smiled, standing tall she pushed her arms forward to present the flowers to him, "You say I am beautiful with my hair braided, I was wondering if these flowers would look pretty braided as well."

Adam laughed a bit, raising an eyebrow, his blue eyes challenging her own, "That's so weird, what do you mean braid them?"

Eve did not respond, choosing to quickly make her way to him as she excitedly bounced, unable to contain her delight at the idea she had come up with. Laying the flowers out in front of the two of them, she began to scan the choices she had in front of her. Looking at the yellow flowers, she seemed to light up as she picked up gleefully.

She did not know how to put her thoughts into words, moving the stems of the flowers along. Calling back to what Adam had taught her when it came to braiding, taking the stems of the flowers, she began to try and focus. Failing a few times as the flowers occasionally would pop out of their place, she would take a moment to ponder how she would fix it, before getting into the grove until she slowly began to make a band out of the flowers.

It was quite rough when she was done with the circle, but he began to see what she meant by how it could be pretty. Eve's eyebrows furrowed as she began to fix her mistakes, pulling away at stray leaves or strengthening their structure so it wasn't so fragile.

Adam watched her focus with great interest before he had a ring of blossoms shoved in front of his face. The woman was proud of her final product, "I call this a flower crown!"

"Oh dang," Adam said, grabbing onto the flower crown, he did his best to make sure he wasn't too rough with it. He seemed to be much stronger than her in physical strength, so he had a tendency to break things sometimes like large sticks or smashing fruits in his hands when he gripped them too hard. Eve was always curious, coming up with crazy ideas but this was the first time she made anything, "What does this thing do?"

Humming to herself, she tilted her head to the side, "I am not sure, I guess I did not think about it that far..."

"So, it's useless?" He jabbed, dragging out the 'o' as he spoke, "Not going to lie I thought there would be more to it than just being pretty."

"Oh shut it-" She sent him a playful glare, rolling her eyes at his tease at her. But his comment did get her to think a little more, before gesturing somewhat urgently for him to do something, "Maybe it could be more, go on, try something-"

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