Unbreak My Heart

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I stand in the middle of the room watching him leave, my heart is boiling with anger and rage. I walk over to my closet and i start to throw out everything that I can reach throwing it down to the ground.
I was angry, frustrated, upset and sad... What am I supposed to do, some fucking master plan they he's setting up isn't going to fly by me, not here, not today.... All of this has to end.

What love i had for him was long gone, since the day he killed that guy... What is it, what am I going to do. I collapse on the bed looking up at the ceiling as I think of something, something that can give me some room to wiggle through when it's time.
Eventually I doze off into a deep slumber.
When I wake I take a bath and i find an all black dress with red heels to put on, I let my hair down putting on my red lipstick and mascara.
As I'm fixing myself up in the bathroom the door to my room opens and u stop everything to go see who it was, it was one of the shadow guards.
Those things gives me the creeps, they don't talk, just tall dark shadowy figures with a black smoke falling off of them.
I walk over to them and they escort me out my room down a long plain hallway with a large wooden double door at the end of the hall.
Once approaching the door i walk inside, it was a simple circular room with a table i the middle.
On the table held a dark wooden box and a note, I walk over and I read the paper as I open the box.
The box contained two glass bottles filled with a red liquid, i then look to the note.
It reads : Ira, in this box that lays before you are two bottles filled with a liquid that will Bring you further with us into your destiny.
The bottle on the left, if you choose to drink from it will stop your heart and you will die, ending all your suffering, the bottle on the right..... Well, drink and find out.

I roll my eyes at the note and i look at the bottles for a moment
"i could end everything, right here, right now, he wouldn't be able to use me... And i can be free" i say in a low tone as I pick up the bottle... "bottoms up" i sigh taking the cork out of the bottle and drink it down fast, after consuming the liquid I set the bottle down i stand for a moment as I feel my heart beating faster and i lose my balance knocking over the box breaking the glasses as I fall to the ground, everything around me was getting dark and fuzzy, i could hear my heart beat in my ears as the fast pace got slower, and slower , i couldn't move, i couldn't talk. Eventually everything blacked out.




Alive, im thinking to myself as I start to come to, I feel woozy and foggy as I wake up. I groan a bit as I lift my head up to see dean sitting in front of me with his legs crossed, his hand rests under his chin when the other rests along the arm of the chair as he look at me dressed in an all black suit. As he see me awakening he sits up.

"hey baby " he says looking at me up and down.

I look up at him and I was confused, my shoes where gone, my hair was messy and i was completely tired.
" Dean...baby, what's going o-" i try to move and get up bit i look down, my hands where tired to the arms of the chair along with my ankles "baby untie me" i smile weakly happy to see his face, but he just sits there.
I furrow eyebrows "baby..." i look to him
"sorry darling, i cant do that "

My eyes widen when he says that" why not, Dean you're sitting right there " my breath quickens, i look around the well lit room from the fire place and the various candles. I see behind him a few steps and a large cauldron bubbling as steam rises from it.

" why not, what's going on.. I should of died, i should be dead ' I keep moving more and more wanting to break free, then Dave comes around from behind dean in an all black suit as well smiling "we both new you where going to pick that one honey, both bottles where going to knock you out so you can be here...you didn't think it was going to be that east"

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