The gifting

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" okay, is she....." kai says " no she isnt" Dean cuts him off " she has to be a blackwell, she's listen down on the family tree, see" shanna hands them a book of shadows and on the cover it has a black crow on it, she opens the book up and show the family tree my my grandma to my mom down to me. " see shes a blackwell,but theirs one thing she doesnt know" shanna says " and that is..." Dean says waiting for shanna to finish " shes part hollawell, she can be the most powerful witch that was ever lived, i mean me and her go way back and ive keept this secret forever,she needs to know these things, besides im part archangel and Demon and now a ghost, you and your brother are werewolves vamps and angels kai is a werewolf demon vampire. she wont feel left out i promis," shanna says " what is she then" Kai asks " " werewolf witch and mermaid" " How is that possible" Kai says " Grandma grand witch she passed it down to her daughter passed down to her, her father was a merman witch, awkward as that is she got that blood in her," shanna esplains " and the wolf" Dean ask " from you" shana says regretfully " tell me exactly how you changed her Dean" shanna says getting a little bit more angry " i dont know , maybe when we where making love and i scratched her on her arm" Dean says sorrwfull. in a frustrated grunt, shanna soon gor her composure together when she saw me walking down the stairs scratching my head " is everything okay?" i ask, " everything is fine, Dean kai can i talk to her alone" shanna says " sure" they both say, Dean kisses me on the forhead and travels his way upstairs with kai.shanna looks at me with a seriouse have holding three things in her hands, a pearl ring, a crystal necklace and a blck book. " whats this" i ask curiously. " this as all the things you need that i found in your old house attick your grandma was supossed to have gave it to you before she passed, this is your book of shadows for all the spells you need, this is a pearl ring that is charged with the spirtis and powers of your lost , and this here is a crystal necklace charged by the moonlight for your werewolf to harvest its energy so you dont go all wolf on people, basically wearing this helps you change whenever you want" shanna esplains. i hold the items in my hand and the energy flows thought my body. I place the items on my body and the book in my purse, a knock came from the door and their stood two men. " hi how may i help you" i ask politely " just stand their and not say a word" a man with a low raspy voice says covering our mouths with a cloth as we struggle to get away, our breaths are heavy and our screams cant be heard, we slowly drift off to a deep sleep from the fumes in the cloth. we've been kidnapped.

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