The dreadful day...

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The portal opens and angels rain into the land spaces of hell.

Alastor smiles while he stands on the rooftop of the hotel. "Well... Let the slaughter begin..." His voice a smooth, radio sounding voice. he holds his cane out, and shadows emerge to make a shield that covers the hotel, so it's easier to take out the angels.


Adam seems baffled by this... And he then sees the tentacle killing a angel with one of their own weapons. "They kill us with our own weapons!? Fucking weak, dude!??" He places a hand on his head.

Lute straightens her back and responds. "They seem to have some kinda shield, sir..." Lute says this normally.

Adam responds sarcasticly "Oh, really??" He turns his head towards lute then back "I didn't notice- This big fucking shield Infront of us!" He turns towards lute and shouts "YOU DUMB BITCH! NO SHIT!" He shouts at her.

Lute just seems done with hi¢ bullshit-


Charlie seems slightly amazed by it "Alastor's shield is working!!!" She says with a bubbly and happy voice.

Vaggie kills an angel "Trying to focus, Hun."

Charlie still seems amazed by the fact the shield Is working. "We might have a chance against the angels!" She says with excitement.

Vaggie kills another angel, and holds the handle of her spear which is in the angels stomach. "Love the optimism- still tryna focus tho..." She takes the spear out and slices the angel with a groan/slight scream.

Angel uses his tommy gun and minigun to blast some angels while Cherri jumps in the air and sprinkles dombs out into a crowd of angels, spilling out golden blood.

Sir pentious is by the canons looking over a crowd of angels "Fire canons!" And then the canons goes off, killing plenty angels with a slight war cry sounding scream.

Husk flies in beside him, slicing a angel with his cards. "You know, screaming while fighting" he shakes his head slowly and slightly "Doesn't help!" He says this with a slightly loud voice to make sure he hears him from all the way over there while niffty runs by and stabs dead angels with her dagger:3


Adam is furious now... "I'm fucking over this..." He raises his fist and slams it into the shield, breaking it with a grin.

Alastor greets him on the rooftop. "Adam! First man, next to die..." He says with a even wider grin that threatens to rip his face apart...

Adam frowns slightly and points a finger at him "who are you?" He raises a eyebrow.

Alastor holds out a hand "Alastor! Pleasure to meet you! Quite a pleasure..." He then slams his staff into the ground **"Ȋ̳Ť͓̱̼̑̆Ş̪̙͕̮̂̅̏̉̃̅͢ Ţ̰̲͕̓̐̌͟͞͠IM̛̘̫̞̽̓Ë̩́ T͔͇̋͊O̧̡̗̖͆͂̅͡ ̢͉̎̃F̢̦̰͉͉̀̾̇̌͠Ȗ̺C̨͕͋͘͟͡K͚͖͙̅̾̒̅͟I̺̙̗̲̖̯̊́̏͒͗͂͜͡N͔̳̲̮͕͙̩͊̊́͌͊̔͡G͈̫͉̥̲̳̫̔̾̑͒̐̽͘ ̢͉̎̃ DȊ̳E ̢͉̎̃"**

Adam spawns his guitar "don't you know jazz is for fucking pussy's??" He leaps forward and swings his guitar.

(skipping some of the battle cuz I want the actual drama to happen-)

Adam has had enough "You're wrong cause- RADIO'S FUCKING DEAD!" Adam swings his guitar and breaks alastor's cane

Alastor stays silent for a couple moments. "wha-? ... ffffuck..." As Adam hits him with the guitar he screams slightly out in pain and hits the ledge and falls ...

The Dead And The Broken. (dead Charlie Au)Where stories live. Discover now