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A/N-holy fucking shit this is long.uhm have fun it was interesting to write!!

uhm have fun it was interesting to write!!‼️‼️‼️SMUT‼️‼️‼️

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taylors been bullying me since 7th grade.I don't understand what changed.we used to really close and then one day she just..changed..
taylor looked at me in class and says
"looks like someone finally showered!" she laughs with her friends and they continue to mock you.

"look who figured out to cut bangs!!" I said laughing at taylor.

taylor raises an eyebrow and smirks, unamused by my attempt at comedy
"oh please. I've been rocking the perfect bangs since I was in kindergarten." she said smirking.

"taylor.we both know that's not true...I'll just text your mom and ask for pictures then!!" I said grinning at her.

taylors face turned red with anger and she steps closer to me, her voice low and threatening
"you better watch your mouth, little one.my mother doesn't appreciate disrespect from the likes of you."

I laughed and said "your mother actually like loves me"

taylor took a step back, looking shocked and slightly disbelieving "what?why would she like you?"

I shrugged and walked closer to taylor.

"maybe..she likes me because I give you a reason to go to school.or maybe because I bother you so much that you talk about me at home.oh and she thinks your in love with me" i said smirking.

taylors eyes widened in shock and she took a step back speechless
"what..what did you say?."

"and personally I think she's right.." I said grinning.

taylor shook her head, trying to dismiss my words
"y-you're just delusional, saying things like that to make yourself feel important."

"sure...see you later princess" i said grinning and walking away.

she watched me walk away and took a deep breath to calm herself down before turning around and heading back to her group of friends.

taylor rolled her eyes when she saw me walk into the science classroom.
"oh fun...more of your insufferable presence.
can't you just disappear or something?" she said rolling her eyes.

"aww..but then you'd be sad"
i said pouting and patting her on the head as I sat at my seat.

taylor narrowed her eyes at me clearly not amused by me

"you really are the most annoying person I've ever met.
I don't know how you manage to survive each day when all you do is annoy people.
just leave me alone." she said putting her head down.

"okay taylor" I said as I started to ignore her.

I tried to focus on the notes, but i can't help but feel a small pang of irritation whenever she thinks about you.
I kept glancing over at her out of the corner of my eye, noticing that she seemed to be paying attention to the lesson.

i smiled to myself as I saw taylor glancing at me.
I turned around with a grin and paid attention to the lesson.

the teacher announced a partner project and I looked at taylor with a smile.

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