sweet girl🤍

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a/n- the reason I did fluff is bc I don't want y'all think I'm some sex obsessed freak 😭
there will be smut out sometime soon tho so

a/n- the reason I did fluff is bc I don't want y'all think I'm some sex obsessed freak 😭there will be smut out sometime soon tho so

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I hate how I look.
I'm honestly so disgusted with myself.
I don't understand why taylors STILL with me.
I'm so ugly.
I thought to myself as I starred in the mirror.
tears started forming and eventually started falling.

"baby are you okay?" taylor said from the other side of the door.
I quickly wiped the tears away and said "im okay taylor!.."
I fixed my hair and realized how puffy my eyes were.
I slowly opened the door and was met by a hug from taylor.
"I missed youuu"  taylor said leading me to our kitchen.
"sit" taylor said with a smile as she pulled a chair out for me.

I slowly sat down and taylor set a plate of chai cookies in front of me.
"I made your favorite.." she said grinning.
I swallowed hard and said "t-thank you taylor..
she stood in front of me and practically waited for me to take one.
my hand shook as I picked up the smallest one and put it to my mouth.
I slowly swallowed the bits of the cookie and looked down at my hands..
"taylor..why are you still with me?." I said as my eyes started to burn.
taylor turned around with a sad look on her face and said "baby I love you so much.."

"b-but I'm so fat and ugly" I said starting to cry.
"baby you are the most beautiful person ever.
who called you these things?" taylor said as she held me in her arms.
"everyone.their all saying that I'm too fat and ugly for you..." I cried out.
"beautiful girl..you are perfect just the way you are,
and anyone who thinks otherwise can go fuck themselves" taylor said kissing my forehead gently.
"but how do you still love me?.my bodies so ugly" I cried against her chest.
"baby I love your body..it keeps you safe and healthy.." she said rubbing her thumb across my cheek.
"I love you taylor.." i said looking into her eyes.
"I love you too sweet girl" taylor said kissing my lips.

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