My life: The intro

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Where should I start?

I am currently on the run for, well... my life.

To understand my present situation would take far to long, so I'll explain on the go.

Right now I am holed up in an old run down building, it smells terrible. Somewhere between wet peanut butter and a dead cat. It's downpouring rain outside and the roof is leaking faster than an excited chihuahua.

I'm completely out of food and I'm waiting for my delivery. Can't say that I look forward to it though, one would think that the threat of an imminent death would make me a healthier eater, but for a week straight it's been greasy cheeseburgers, oily pizza, and fuzzy soda.

And I still haven't had a bath, besides the rain.

I do actually have an apartment, but it's terribly unsafe, with literally everyone watching it. From reporters, federal agents, to the people who want me for my money.

I heard something outside and hurried to the huge window. My delivery had come, along with a few tag-a-longs.

This had happened many times, so many in fact that my routine was practically muscle-memory. Grab the go bag, burn the evidence, trip over the brick I never moved. And run down the stairs to the escape bike, along with a few pauses because I am so out of shape.

The men saw me reach my bike and all of them reached for the guns tucked into their waistbands. I jumped onto the bike and slammed the helmet onto my head. "Sayonara!" I shouted and revved the engine.

The men began firing, but I was to far away for them to reach me in time. Or at all.

I raced down the road, taking all the back roads through the city. They would have a tail on me for awhile, but no one knows the city like I do.

There was no way that they could know what route I was going to take or even where I might go. Which left them little choice but to tail me for as long as they could. I looked behind and saw that they were finally starting to lag.

I darted into an open garage and shut my bike off. My tail sped past and I slid my helmet off. I figured to just hide out in this garage until a day or so had blown over, or I scared the life out of whomever owned the place.

Honestly, whichever came first, I'm cool with both.

The men coming after me aren't very good, or smart. Personally, I think that whoever is after me should send someone better if they actually wanted to get near me. Or maybe, it's their intention to just make me run. Possibility? I think not.

I sat down on the floor and dropped my helmet down next to me. I don't know how long I've been on the run for, but it's been long enough that I'm starting to think that I should take the offense rather then the defense.

But I know their game and I want to see how long they can hold out before they get so irritated they make an irrational decision. I'm just a little excited to see what kind of person they'll turn out to be once they're threatened or pushed to far.

I've been pushed around a lot before, kidnapped, tortured, etc. I've even been blackmailed a few times. But so far no one has managed to come close to the real me.

But I lack one thing in dealing with these people. I can't fight. At all.

Luck is always on my side and no matter where I end up, I always seem to find a way out.

I had a friend once, probably when I was a kid. We went through everything together and they saw sides of me even I didn't know about. But despite that, we were close. I think.

I never really understood people all that well, and it became worse after my first 'episode'.

But enough. I don't care to go back into my past just yet. That's a train that is still on the tracks and nowhere near a station.

I felt my chest tighten and reached for my meds. It wasn't wise to continue taking them, but what else could I do?

No matter what I did, someone or something was going to kill me. I mean, growing up I wasn't even allowed to express emotions. Laughing? People questioned why I was so happy.

Sad? Why was I so emotional?

Anger. I needed to control myself better.

It was a never ending cycle. But the fun part about it, was that I learned how to read people, to find their deepest secrets and weaknesses. That ability led me to this point, right here. So yeah. Don't follow my example.

To explain the people currently after me. I showed them a more convenient method on running their companies and lives, and they, well they didn't like it.


I nearly flew out of my skin. I had been so lost in thought that I hadn't realized that someone had gotten so close. Or even knew where I was.

"Who is it?" I called. Shoving my helmet back on.

Someone poked their head into the garage. "Ioan, hello."

I flinched and stood cautiously. "Carter." I sighed, trying to at least seem calm.

Carter smiled. "Still not showing me your face? That's okay."

I have never liked Carter. My late father hired him to 'watch' over me but he ended up inheriting my fathers entire legacy. Which he flaunted over me. Little did he know, I didn't care. But because of this little issue between us, Carter refused to help me. Which is why he was here now, to let me know that he could help, he just didn't want to.

He also has a price out on my head. So yay.

But Carter can't kill me. He doesn't know what I look like. And he doesn't know what I have on him. When I was younger I was always sick and constantly wore a mask. As a preteen I was moody and wore a mask. And as an almost adult, I'm weird and wear a mask.

Carter sat down on my bike, grimacing at the dirt. "You know, I could get you out of this, very easily."

I laughed. "Of course you could."

He glared at me, I definitely made him uneasy.

I leaned forward. "So why don't you?"

Carter pulled a knife out of his jacket pocket and twirled it around in his hand. "Let me tell you a little story Ioan." He ran his finger along the edge of the blade. "A little boy runs away from home and gets in trouble, dear daddy hires a brilliant genius to clean up after the boy. But the new guy realizes that he has daddy's ear, so he whispers in it, day and night. Soon the boy grows up but by that time the hero has appeared and he rescues dad from a lot of trouble." Carter smirked at me.

"So when dear dad passes away he leaves everything to his savior, the only problem is that the boy is a pain in the hero's neck. And when something hurts someone, they tend to get rid of it."

I yawned very loudly. "Wow. That was boring." I said and stumbled backwards. "What was the point? I think I fell asleep somewhere in the middle."

Carter laughed, his eyes piercing right through me. Before I could react, he lunged forward and I felt his knife slide straight through my leather jacket and into my side. Hot blood poured down my skin and I gasped in shock.

He twisted the knife around. I could feel his breath against my neck.

"You know, for the longest time I wanted to see your face. I had you followed, kidnapped, everything. But I never once saw it, but through all of that I happened to discover your secret." Carter chuckled. "I was shocked, to think it had been so simple this whole time."

My eyes flickered and I felt suffocated in my helmet. "Whatever you found out, isn't the whole story." I groaned. "Even if I die right now, you'll never be safe. The fact that I exist is enough."

Carter yanked the knife out and I collapsed to the floor. "Honestly, I just want you gone. I don't care about all the little details."

I popped the visor open and stared at him through blurred vision. "You don't stand a chance."

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