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*Ghost's POV*
Today's Toast's birthday!! And I am going to tell him that I like him,and I decided how, during the party I'm going to sneak him out to the park and have a picnic and it just so happen that tonight there's going to be fireworks so tonight will be problem though,Billy, maybe we can get out without anyone noticing, I wanted to go during the party because that's when the fireworks are going to be happening, and know the perfect place where we can go because I put up a sign saying 'restricted area DO NOT PASS' yesterday ,perfect right? Nobody will Go past a sign that says that! His party is supposed to be at 5 pm and end at 12am, fireworks are at 8, I'm planning doing cake around 7:30-ish and giving them Macaroni at 7:45-ish, so me and Johnny can get away to the Picnic ,lets just hope my plan works...

*Toast's POV*
TODAYS MY BIRTHDAY!! I am super excited because well...I'm hoping that Billy will do something special today for me because we've been together for a year,well almost next week is our anniversary,he said everything will be amazing!! And I know that will be true! I decided to go to Starbucks for coffee,just cause
I feel like it.
~time jump to Starbucks~
I get to Starbucks and as I got my coffee I get a call from Ghost,I answer
** G= ghost / T= Toast**
G: Toast I need you,Now
T:what? Why ?
G: we got called from another one of those Fazbear restaurants
T:What?? But it's my Birthday! Are you okay to do it by yourself??
G: no,I'm sorry,I know it's your birthday and all but I need you its a level 9 ghost, Johnny, I need you...
T: fine.
G: Great meet me at my house

**end of part 2, sorry I ended this one in a weird spot,I didn't want to go on for a really long time anyways...
Buh-Bye 😘

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