If only I could take it all back (C. Stoll)

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"Your mom!", Bryan Jackson said.

"At least I have one!", the h/c girl called back. She happens to be the hero of our story.

At the age of 15, Y/n Phillip daughter of g/p and blessed by f/g (favorite god/goddess), has completed many quest, each more successful than the last. She even braved the great Chimera, defeating it.

But still at camp, she was over-looked, a disappointment, and a instructor's pet. That is all except to her boyfriend, Connor Stoll.

To Connor, she was a beautiful, smart, and brave young woman, who had no imperfections.

Y/n waltzed into the Hermes cabin, and sighed. Connor wasn't here. She took out a pen from her pocket and found some paper on a random desk.

'Dear Connor,

Hi, it's me, Y/n!

I was bored and wondering if you wanted to do a prank on someone.

Love you always,


She slipped it into the drawer and walked out of the door. What she saw next made her want to curl up and die.....

Hey guys!

Can't wait for a part two!!!

Ily you guys! Goodnight! <3 :)

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