who do you think you are?

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It was the next day and Tara had invited all of you guys to go clubbing.
The group chat named "emo farts" had each person in it.
TAARAA: okay so.
tn at Route Eighty is still on right?
samm!: yeah i'm good, colby can't come to his phone rn but he said yeah
alpha🐺🔥(jake): yes ma'am i'll be there
emo stink 😽: yeah
Y/n: yess!! i'll be there can't wait😼😼
TAARAA: yayyyayya that's all of you i'll see you guys tnnn 🤗🤗
You subconsciously smile and put the phone down.
You had already gotten your makeup on and all you needed was an outfit.
You browsed through your messy pile of clothes and found a black, silky dress. Route Eighty was a pretty popular place and you didn't want to go there looking like emo trash.
You sent a picture of yourself wearing the dress to Tara and she immediately responded.
TAARAA: yess hottie 🙈 if i was a man i would pick u up fr 😍
y/n: alr bud
thanks tho
love you tara 😸😸
You set your phone down again and headed towards your mirror.
This actually looks okay.
I guess my shoulders are a little broad in this but..
it's okay,
my friend's will be there.
You tilt your head a little before making the mental note that you weren't going to be insecure tonight.
Your eyes glittered with sparkly black eyeshadow, which compliments your dress.
You checked the time and realized it'd be good to leave by now.
You put cute, black, heels on that didn't squeeze your toes too much.
You grab your keys and purse that had all necessary items, including pepper spray, in it.
The car was ready, with the GPS already set.
You follow the GPS until your eyes were met with a giant, glowing, board that said "Route Eighty" on it.
You gather your things and head out.
You go in to see all your friends standing in the lobby.
You squeal.
"Y/n!! Girl. I thought the picture looked good, but DAMN you look hot!" Tara exclaims.
You laugh, "Thanks Tara, you look absolutely stunning as usual!"
You both hug each other as your eyes shift towards Jake and Johnnie.
They were wearing cheesy tuxedos to match.
"What the fuck. The twinning is wild but it's okay." You smile at them both.
Jake huffs, "True, it is okay, because I look like a piece of gourmet food right now, a fucking snack for sure."
You side eye him and laugh, "Right."
You look at Johnnie and smile, "God, this is so funny. You look good though! Better than Jake!" You purposely emphasized "Jake" just to get him angry.
"Meh meh meh meh," He mocks you, squinting his eyes.
Sam and Colby burst through the doors, huffing and puffing, completely out of breath.
"Sorry.. guys.."
Colby said.
"We.. got.. chased.. by a.. stray dog!" Colby laughs.
Sam takes a deep breath in, "Yeah, I think he had rabies actually..."
You make a disgusted face and laugh, "It's okay, you guys are safe in here now. OH WAIT THAT'S THE DOG,"
Sam and Colby whip their heads around and you start laughing.
"You guys are so gullible oh my God, that's hilarious."
Tara snickers and Johnnie laughs.
Jake was trying not to laugh, as he was acting mad at you.
Sam smiles at you, looking deep in your eyes for a second, before breaking it off.
An employee comes in and sits you at the bar.
"Alright everyone, are we here for drinks or actual clubbing? Or are we mixing in both."
The group looks around and each shares a different answer.
You say that you didn't want alcohol tonight, and were just looking for a good time.
The server nods and asks Jake, Tara, and Sam, for IDs, as they were the only ones who wanted drinks.
The lady quickly scans through each one and approves their order.
As they got their drinks, the rest of the group started to move towards the dance floor.
Tara was already starting to boogie out (extremely funkily).
You smile and look at Johnnie, who was holding out a hand.
"Shall we dance, woman?" Johnnie says in a stupid accent.
You sigh and look at him doing a weird wiggly dance. You start chuckling to yourself.
"Oh God..."
You slap your forehead.
You feel someone's eyes on you and look around.
You see Sam's cold eyes burning a hole through you.
You quickly look down, trying not to be awkward.
What the fuck? Why is he always staring..
You glance up at Johnnie, who sees your discomfort.
He discreetly turns around and sees Sam.
He leans toward your ear and whispers.
"It's fine, it's just Sam. Don't worry. Even if anything were to happen, I'd be here," Johnnie said.
You smile and look back up.
You knew Sam would still probably be staring but you decide to ignore it.
After a while, Johnnie goes over to Sam.
"Hey Sam!" He says.
"Oh hey Johnnie." Sam says, breaking out of his trance.
"You zoned out or something? You've just been staring at nothing for a little."
"Um yeah. I'm gonna go to the bathroom actually." Sam says subtly nudging Johnnie with his shoulder as he leaves.
Johnnie nods with confused look as he walks away.
You were observing the entire scene.
"What was that? Why'd he nudge you like that?"
"I don't know, but sometimes it's just best to ignore."
You slowly nod your head and get back into the beat.
Sam comes back out and you decide to go talk to him.
"Sam, are you alright? Like genuinely! I just feel you haven't been your fun-self lately."
"Yeah. I'm fine."
"Oh my God. Yes. I'm fine, like, go have fun with your amazing boyfriend! He's just so great, isn't he? He cares about you so much, right?"
"Yeah! He asks you if you're okay when he sees your scars as well. He's there for you too, right? You're honestly bugging me right now so please, just go back to Johnnie." Sam says, pretty pissed.
"Okay, what the fuck. Fine."
You go back to Johnnie, who looks completely different right now.
His fists were clenched at his sides, before you softened him up by holding his hand.
His face turned red and he turned back around before things escalated.
"Who does he think he is?" Johnnie mutters.
He turns back around and shoots Sam a dirty look.
He puts up a middle finger at his hips.

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