A bit like Cyrano de Bergerac

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The handsome agency owner was wearing another expensive suit and Yongsun was starting to think the woman liked to show off.

Moon Byul-YI drove her client to a sophisticated yet discreet bar and explained the plan the moment they got a table.

__ Here. Put this in your ear. It's really tiny. Nobody will notice it.

__ What is it for?__ The investor made an unpleased face.

The younger woman judged her client but responded:

__ I'm gonna tell you what to do and say while you flirt with some random dude. The last time you did it on your own was painful to watch.

__ Heeey! It was all your fault. You made me nervous. And will this work? Isn't it weird?__ The 32-year-old frowned.

Byul-YI calmly shared her point :

__ It's just a test. And a way for you to relax. I'll play Cyrano de Bergerac's part.

Puzzled, the blonde questioned:

__ Huh? Cyrano who?

The brown-haired female sighed and commented:

__ You don't seem to be familiar with books.

__ I like a couple of them. My favorite one is The Little Prince.__ Yongsun smiled brightly.

Lifting her eyebrow, the brown-haired female asked:

__ When did you last read this book? Or any book apart from University content? 20 years ago?

__ I'm obviously kidding. Of course, it's not my favorite book. I'm not childish. I read some novels once in a while. Never read that one.__ The 32-year-old rolled her eyes.

Shaking her head while having a disappointed expression, Byul-YI affirmed:

__ It shows. If you had read it, you might have learned a lot about yourself. Some maturity is needed.

__ Huh? Don't tell me it's your favorite book. Did little Byul-YI get offended because I criticized your precious book?__ Yongsun mocked.

The handsome female exhaled and laughed.

__ Your beauty is such a waste...Not that it's any of your business but...my favorite book is called Ensaio sobre a Cegueira. It's from an amazing Portuguese author and it would help you mature a lot too. Although I think it's too late.

__Aish! You're such a bitch!__ The investor mumbled.

Shrugging, the businesswoman changed the subject:

__ "The clock is ticking and you haven't focused yet. Please, do as I said and go talk to that guy on the third table.

Discreetly glancing at the man, the older woman questioned:

__ Why him?

__ Why not? Isn't he attractive enough?

Looking again, Yongsun responded with hesitation:

__ I guess...

__ Good. Now go ahead and repeat everything I say.__ The agency owner pushed the blonde out of the table.

Stressed, the investor walked clumsily until the man saw her.

"Smile charismatically and ask if he would like some company."__ Byul-YI instructed her client.

The 32-year-old had to force herself to step closer and blurted the question out.

Welcomed with a naughty smile, Yongsun lost courage but she didn't see any way out.

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