Time Goes On

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"Suicide Warning ⚠️ "

After the events of the Massacre , James' life became a living hell. Sidney left the first chance she got, not wanting to stay in Woodsboro any longer. Kirby never visited him at all, he would've thought that she and him could bond from what happened but apparently she didn't want to see him. Dewey knew that something bad would happen if James was put in foster care and how others would treat him, so he decided to take him in. At first, it was an adjustment but he was able to fit in with Dewey and Gale, Gale was always busy trying to work and Dewey always made time for him but unfortunately he had to work too.

After nearly two weeks, James was able to go back to school but he was nervous about going back. He was scared that people would treat him differently because of what his sister did. Dewey assured him that nothing would happen and that it will be okay so James pushed his nervousness down. When he walked around in school he noticed all the students looking at him warily and fearfully. Even the teachers were very nervous around him because of his sister and that made James very uncomfortable.

When the day was over he wanted to get out of the school as soon as possible because he couldn't take the stairs. When the other kids were getting picked up by their parents he noticed the adults giving him dirty looks and he tried his best to ignore them so he walked away. He knew way back home so he walked his way to the house, James was so caught up in his thoughts that he didn't notice a car rushing towards him. He looked to his right and saw the car but before he could move the car hit so hard he landed on the ground and he felt his ears ringing. Despite his ears ringing, he noticed two men coming out of the car, one had a baseball bat in his hand and the other didn't have a weapon and they proceeded to beat him.

The two men were kicking him and hitting him with the bat and James could barely scream or cry because all he could was lay on the ground feeling himself lose consciousness. Then suddenly he heard tires screeching and the beating ceased and he blacked out. The tires that were screeching came from police car and it stopped in front of the two men and Deputies Judy Hicks and the recently promoted Vinson aimed their guns at the men. Judy looked behind them and saw James behind them lying down unmoving and bleeding. She was shocked at what she saw, James' eyes were closed, his head was bleeding, and there was blood leaking from his mouth, Judy snapped out of her shock aiming her gun at the attackers.

"Step away from the kid, now." Judy said warningly.

"We're just giving people like him, what he deserves." The man said like it was a good reason and that made Judy snap.

She cocked her gun to show that she was serious and that made the men surrender and get on their knees. While Officer Vinson was arresting the men, Judy rushed to check on the bloody form of James. She placed two of her fingers on his neck and her eyes widened in horror as she felt a weak pulse. Judy picked him up bridal style and rushed to her cruiser and put him in the passenger seat. She went to the driver seat and rushed to the hospital as fast as she could trying to make sure that James doesn't die.

As soon as she entered she called the doctors for help and they rushed to her and took James from her hands and took him to the emergency room. Judy notified Dewey on what happened and he told her that he'd be there as soon as he could. While James was being x-rayed by the doctors, Judy sat in the waiting room and she tapping her foot impatiently waiting for the results. At first she wasn't sure about James but seeing him being harmed for what his sister did caused her to have a big urge to protect him. She'd try her best to help and protect him in any way she could and make sure that no harm comes to him.

Dewey rushed in and frantically looked around until he saw Judy and walked to her. Judy jolted out of her seat to talk to him.

"What's going on ? Any update ?" Dewey asked worried.

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