Everybody Wants To Be My Enemy

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James was currently in the passenger seat of the car while Dewey was driving him to the High School. It was the first semester of his freshman year and it was one month since his suicide attempt and since then he's been working on his mental health and recovery. Since he didn't have trust in therapy he would talk to Dewey about all of his problems whenever he had the time. He told Dewey about his hallucinations of Jill and his conflicts with his feelings. He remembered what Dewey told him that day.

"Is it wrong that I still love her after everything she did ? I want to hate her but why can't I bring myself to ?" James asked.

"No one is telling you to erase the love you had for her but you have to decide how you feel about her." Dewey said.

That was good advice for James to hear but he still has trouble accepting what happened. At first he wasn't sure if he wanted to go to school and Dewey wasn't sure either but they both agreed that if something goes wrong then he'd be back to homeschooling. James watched all of the other students walking towards the school getting ready for the day. He'd be lucky if no one messed with him but sadly, luck is never on his side. When he left the car, he took a deep breath and walked forward to the front of the school.

He noticed that some of the other kids were watching him with fear and disgust as he walked in the school. James payed them no attention and walked to his locker and he put in his code to unlock it. Then he felt someone touching his shoulder and he smiled because he knew who it was based on the way they did it.

"I'm glad that you found me before someone else did, Wesley." James said looking at his brother in all but blood.

"How long are you going to keep calling me that ?" Wes asked with a smirk.

"Until we both die ?" James asked and they both laughed as they walked to class together.

They were lucky enough to have the same class. The day went by smoothly, no one tried or dared to mess with James but he kept getting the feeling that he was being watched. Sometimes he would turn around and see the person looking at him look back at their assignment. He was so caught up in his thoughts that he didn't notice a couple of boys following him. Suddenly he was grabbed from behind and thrown to the ground by two the boys that were following him.

James looked up and gave an annoyed sigh as he looked at the Biller brothers. Kelvin is the one with the brown hair and Francis is the one with the red hair.

 Kelvin is the one with the brown hair and Francis is the one with the red hair

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