Going to college

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I was unpacking everything and I was heading to my dorm Jack was caring my boxes I open my dorm door.
"Well it looks like my roommate isn't here yet so just put everything down and I'll unpack it."i sighed and directed jack.
"Ok babe I'm going to unpack my stuff I'll be back later." he kissed me and left.
I put all the pictures on the Christmas lights I have hanging on my wall.
"Hi I'm Becky." this really pretty girl with blond hair and blue eyes said.
"Hi I'm Brenda I'm your roommate."i said shaking her hand.
We talked for what seem liked hours I helped her unpack and we were sitting laughing at our stories.
"So do you have a boyfriend."she asked wiggling her eyebrows and I showed her Jack
We talk for another hour about him and stopped when we heard a knock.
I opened it and it was Jack "hey babe." I kissed him.
He came in and I introduced him to Becky.
..a couple hours later..
"Well babe I'm gonna go and get some sleep see you tomorrow." Jack said so I walked him out and kissed him.
..Next day..
I woke up and Becky wasn't here so I was on my way to the cafeteria when I stopped at the dorm door their was a note.
"Bre Jack came and well you were asleep so we went out for breakfast toddles.-becky"
was this girl seriously trying to steal my boyfriend..i shrugged it off and thought I must be over reacting and went downstairs to the cafeteria I was going to open the door when Jack and Becky were leaving they past right by me and didn't notice me. He was laughing a lot with her he seemed happy and she is way prettier then me maybe he lost interest I didn't think about it anymore and just ate feeling lonely and sad.

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