Chapter 1 - Freedom

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I never knew what it was like to have a real normal family. I didn't grow up in a normal house, I couldn't just be normal. Right now I'm outside to what use to be my home, what do I mean by that? Well, my mom just kicked me out the house before she literally threw me out. She threw my black duffle bag; it was old and looks super worn out. Before I knew it I was out that place. It was so sudden, one minute mom fed me, let me watch TV, bathed me, packed my bags and then she kicks me out the house?

I'll never understand that woman...

Now, to be honest, my home looked abandoned and doesn't have much in it. It's torn up on the inside, dirty, but has working water and electricity. So I wouldn't say I'm homeless.

I certainly looked like a homeless child, I was wearing ripped up jeans, a very torn and ripped up long sleeve purple t-shirt, the bottom of the shirt is gone showing my slim stomach, and also no shoes.

My whole life I never wore shoes, only my mom did, she said: "You're not good enough for shoes!" So I never had shoes, I was barefooted my whole life.

There was only one scar covered, which is on my index finger; it is bandaged up from the most horrible beating of my life...

I looked up at the sky and saw the sun, another thing I haven't seen in likely a long while. My mother blocked any outside images, so this is my first time being and seeing the outdoors since the incident. My thoughts went wild, thinking, what is my next move? I looked at the forest that's next to my house. My old place I never called home.

From what I remembered from a very early childhood, my mom told me that I told her I saw dragon's, magical creatures, and apparently a man that was tall with red hair. Whenever I even mentioned it she would hit me.

I then decided to start running into the forest. Who knows maybe I'm not crazy! Maybe there are some cool creatures out there! And I could live with that man! He has to be nice, right?

As I ran, I felt my feet on the grass and dirt, my feet felt tingly as I ran my feet on the earthy ground. I even felt something I've never felt in my life... Freedom... for all my 10 years of being with that monster I called a mother, I finally knew what it felt like to be free and alone. Not being yelled at, getting hit, being scared, being in a dark home that doesn't feed me, that doesn't care for me, all my anxiety and depression just went away as I ran and felt the breeze of the wind hit my face. I stopped at a little place that is a cave. Or what looks to be a cave of some sort.

I went inside and saw that it was perfect, it doesn't go deep at all, it's roomy, keeps me warm, so all the necessary things I needed. I threw my duffle bag to the ground and sat right next to it.

As I take a look at the beauty of nature. I decided to see what my mother packed, I opened and saw some food, a letter that I'll look into later, and of course no clothes or shoes. So all she gave me was very little food and no clothes, and some letter. I didn't feel like looking into the letter. I decided to go and explore the forest.

I felt the amazingness of the grass and fresh air. I started to run into the forest again. I ran and ran, feeling happiness and excitement course through my veins. I can feel a smile carve onto my face. My sharp teeth showing.

Here's a little story on my teeth. My mom told me I was a little devil so she decided to make me look like one. She got a filer that is usually used for filing nails and used it to file my K9 teeth as sharp as needles. Every time I see my teeth I looked like some monster. I also never brushed my teeth. Unless my breath was really really bad, then she would make me brush my teeth. My teeth are pretty yellow and sharp as hell! So I was always self conscious of showing my teeth, but since I'm alone and no ones around I didn't care! I'm free to do what I want out here!

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