Chapter 11 - Quiddatch!

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It was now the day of our Quidditch match! I was so excited! Harry was too, but he was mostly scared than anything.

As I finished changing into my Quidditch uniform; I went up to Harry. "You okay?" I asked softly.

He looks at me and nods. "Yeah, just.. a little nervous.." He admits looking down at his feet. I pat his back.

"Don't worry, you'll be fine, we got this!" I assure trying to motivate him. He smiles.

"Now lets go kick some Slytherin ass!" I yelled excitedly as I ran to the rest of the team.

As we waited in front of the door we could hear everyone cheering and chanting. I was in the middle next to Harry and Oliver.

Oliver can tell Harry was nervous. "Nervous?" He asked Harry.

Aww, he cares. Harry replied with a nervous stutter: "A little.." Oliver nods.

"It's alright. Mostly everyone makes it out." Harry looks at Oliver.

"What was your first Quidditch match like?" Harry asks.

"It was fine. Except I got hit in the head and I was in a coma for a week!"

Harry and I looked at each other. The door then opens and we can see the field with everyone cheering. I put my hat forward instead of backwards showing that this is gonna get serious!

"Let's do this!" I yelled.

"Yeah!" Everyone yells back. We all get on our brooms and flew. We flew around the gigantic field.

As we flew I decided to go near the Gryffindor crowd. As I went near them everyone started cheering. Harry was with me as well.

"Beat those Slytherins, guys!" Ron motivates.

"Come on Slim and Harry, you can do it!" Neville cheers.

Jane being on Neville's shoulder. Harry and I then went to our positions.

Harry is on top of our teams and is face to face with the Slytherin seeker. Madam Hooch is under us ready to let the game begin.

"Now I want a nice clean game. From all of you!" We all looked at each other. Madam opens the box allowing the bludgers with the golden snitch to be released.

I saw the snitch and so did Harry. But I had to keep my eye on the quaffle. Madam Hooch grabs the quaffle and throws it up in the air.

Once in the air - the game began when the whistle blew. I quickly grabbed the quaffle. I was so fast that I already gave ten points to Gryffindor within the blink of an eye!

"Wow! That was fast! Ten points to Gryffindor!" Lee Jordan announces. Everyone cheered.

As I flew by, Fred and I high five, I was near Harry and we also high five. I was looking for the quaffle.

A Slytherin has it! The other Gryffindor players followed him, but he was kicking them! So I thought, if they're gonna play rough, then I'll play rough as well.

I roughly took the ball from the Slytherin and quickly threw the quaffle to the Slytherins hoop and gave Gryffindor another ten points! We were on fire!

"Oh man, Slim Shady is kicking some butt! Another ten points!" Lee announces.

Everyone cheered loudly except for the Slytherins who were groaning. A Slytherin was about to make it in the hoop but Oliver stopped it, hitting the ball landing in one of our players hands.

The kid did not look happy; he just glared at Oliver. A Slytherin beater was next to him.

"Give me that!" The Slytherin chaser demands.

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