part ii : arman

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Arman leaned against the door of his shop. The shop was closed for the day. He glanced at his watch and looked up at the sky. Dressed in his regular black t-shirt and jeans, he felt a sense of nervousness that had become a familiar constant in his life, ever since he had first caught sight of the girl who lived across the shop and his house. 

She was a beautiful shade of brown, with big doe-like eyes that made his heart melt, figuratively. Everyday, he'd watch as she hurried away from her home to her office. In the evening, she'd trudge back home, seeming tired but satisfied. Another new constant in his life.

Then, one morning, he caught sight of her peering at his shop through her window. He wanted to approach her. He really did. But what would he say?

Hey there, you look fucking beautiful and I want to treasure you. She'd probably slam the door in his face. Hence, he decided to take a strategic approach. He placed a banner outside the shop that read '50% discount for new customers'. 

That had got him a lot of sales but not the girl. 

After a week of no sign of her visiting the shop, he decided to take down the banner. At that moment, the old lady, a regular visitor at the shop, called out to the girl, urging her to take a jar of pickle. That was when he discovered her name. Mallika. 

Even her name was fucking adorable. Goddamn it.

Next, he placed a few flower pots outside, hoping one of them would catch her attention. He was proud of his flowers and was fairly confident she would visit the shop at some point. 

She didn't. But she was still watching the shop, through her window, regularly. Then, a thought struck him. Perhaps, she was watching him and not the shop. That gave him another idea. He had decided to pick up a Jasmine pot - the flower behind her name - and give it to her for free. 

He'd have a chance at getting her number and asking her out, then. He did it. He started out, according to plan. But after gazing into her adorable eyes, he backed out like a coward and rushed back to the shop. 

That night, he had his head in his hands and was cursing himself out. He hadn't known then that his girl would take the lead and ask him out. He had somehow landed himself another chance. He needed to make her his girl. It shouldn't just remain his wild fantasy. 

The door to her house opened, at that very moment. She stepped out, dressed in a beautiful pink dress that flowed until her ankles. 

She is so goddamn beautiful

That was the only thought running in his head as she approached him, with a shy smile. "Shall we get going?"

He cleared his throat. "Right, yeah."

The two walked side-by-side to a nearby restaurant. The rest of the world didn't matter to Arman at that moment. He had his girl by his side and he couldn't take his eyes off of her. 

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