part ii : she, my love

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Jiya stood outside the restaurant, holding up a simple, pink umbrella

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Jiya stood outside the restaurant, holding up a simple, pink umbrella. She debated, wondering if she should just wait outside until her room-mate made her way out or if she should post a message. 

The chat log between her and Vedantika glared back at her. Good luck with your date. Jiya didn't mean it. She couldn't mean it, no matter how much she tried. 

When she had first set sight on Vedantika, she was engrossed with her and how different they were. Vedantika was a ball of energy while she was a dead cellphone that required charging. Vedantika was a bird fluttering hither and tither, making conversations with everyone and being just dazzling. She was the oddball, cocooned in the corner, content with watching her. 

Then, they became room-mates in the next semester. She managed to get a closer look at the bird, she was so fascinated by, afraid she'd have to take a step back at some point. She spoke carefully and listened in awe to the careless words of her room-mate. 

Everyday was a day filled with rainbows and sunshine. Not a rainstorm in sight. Until last month. Vedantika announced her love life was not going to be a dark room with cobwebs anymore. She'd go on dates with both men and women. She was bisexual, after all. 

And Jiya would watch, hoping she didn't fall for anyone. She couldn't summon the courage to ask her room-mate out. They shared a precious friendship like that. It was easy for them to talk to each other, discuss romances. 

She couldn't lose this friendship. It was the only thing that allowed her a glimpse into the enchanting Vedantika' s life. She couldn't let go of that. 

Finally, she decided to press on send. Then, she waited outside, staring at the droplets of water, diving down to the ground. 

Nearly a minute later, a figure rushed out and spotted her. With a bright smile, Vedantika quickly squeezed into the umbrella with Jiya. Silently, they made their way through the rain, trudging along the pavements. 

Vedantika felt oppressed by the silence. She hated it. So, she spoke up.

"Did you eat?"


"What did you eat?"


"That's not healthy." Vedantika said, disapproving. 

"What did you eat?" Jiya asked, in return. 

"Nothing much. Just a salad."

"We'll drop by the hostel mess?"


Silence once again. Vedantika fiddled with the hem of her dress. She glanced up at the tall Jiya. Her eyes were faced forward, her face devoid of any expression. She kept it all carefully concealed from everyone. Vedantika didn't like that she kept it away even from her. She wanted to see all her emotions clear on her countenance. 

That thought led to another, which led to another, which led back to the realization that had been a burden on her heart for the past month. 

She liked Jiya, romantically. What she didn't know was if Jiya reciprocated the feelings. That had kept her quiet, refraining from expressing what she truly felt and putting up a facade everyday. She was friends with Jiya. But she also wanted to hold her hand and walk with her. She also wanted to ease away her gentle frowns and make her smile more often. 

Vedantika never kept secrets. But for the past month, she had kept one. Now, she could no longer hold it in. 

"I hate keeping things from people." Vedantika started, without thinking it through. Just like she always did. 

Jiya responded, after a long pause that Vedantika expected. "I know."

"But there's something I've been keeping from you. I'm scared to talk about it with you. It will change everything between us." 

Jiya stopped walking. So did Vedantika. 

The latter turned towards the former. Vedantika's eyes were apprehensive yet hopeful. A curious mix of emotions that Jiya had never witnessed before. 

"I like you, Jiya. Do you understand that? I like you in a way that's not friendly."

Jiya felt her heart stop for a moment. Vedantika liked...her?

"I want to know if you feel the same. If you don't, that's alright. We'll just maintain a little distance and everything will be alright again. We might not be able to be room-mates again but we could still be-"

Vedantika was cut off as Jiya pulled her into a warm, right embrace. Vedantika felt Jiya bury her head against her neck. Then, she felt warm liquid against it. Jiya was crying.

"Thank god, thank god..." Jiya mumbled, repeating it like a chant. 

Vedantika embraced her back. She had received her response. Jiya did like her back. 

They were two romantics in love. 


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