Chapter 1 - The Eviction.

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The Mushroom Kingdom was oddly doing well this cold bitter winter, most of the people in the kingdom are almost too stupid to know what they're doing and hardly did a good job keeping the snow out of the roads. This time of year was rough for everyone.

The city didn't change much either in winter, it was still just as loud, destructive and crazy, loud people doing big things everyday that usually ended in disaster. Days were shorter but they were still loud and crazy as ever. They'd even do this in a blizzard.

He tries to stay farther away from the city, it was nice to just see it from afar in his castle and look at the city lights from here. He had a solid routine, and worked at his computer most of the day, but lately he just couldn't find the motivation to do any of his work so ended up just looking at memes all day.

His only problem was he didn't have anyone to share this big unfinished castle with, he had absolutely no one to talk to, or hangout with, it was quiet, aside from the distant noises from the city, but still, a desolate castle sometimes gets to him. He was only acknowledged on the internet, which relieved a little bit of his loneliness, but it wasn't enough at all.

Today was no different, he slept in for a long time as usual, it was more the afternoon than it was morning and he got up to get some food and got ready for the day, of absolutely nothing, his days only went quicker when he worked, but again, he couldn't get any GOOD ideas, no memes to make videos of, or storylines to make, nothing.

So instead of working, he just went into his small game room and turned on the TV to watch for a little while to kill time, watching dumb movies. He had preferences of course but he didn't find anything worth watching, yet for the sake of entertaining his mind he just watched it anyway.

While he watched TV, he kept flipping through channels, trying to find something, mostly kid shows and movies, that was until he stumbled on a strange channel he had never seen before.

Three people in a black void, no telling where they are or if they're even alone, yet they looked familiar, one had long ginger hair and a white t-shirt, another girl with short blue hair and blue hoodie.. and guy.. who.. strangely looks... a lot like him.. they were all panicking and screaming in the void and seemingly crying for help, but he couldn't make out anything they were saying.

He tried to turn the volume up in hopes maybe he could make it out, but it was so faint and despite the volume being on 100, he couldn't hear anything from them. It was...strange.

But then.. he gazed down.. starting to wonder.. does.. he know these people? They looked familiar and they look like they're actually all in danger.. and the environment they're in felt almost... real to him, like he's there with them.. and he feels as though the once pastel blue and yellow colors on the walls started to fade into a black-

Before he could think any farther, suddenly he felt like his world was spinning like crazy around him, spinning faster and faster, he couldn't think, or move, or even speak, he felt like his breathing even paused for a minute, until everything just stopped.

Before he could even think of what happened, he didn't remember anything.. and he looked at the TV and just saw those people happily dancing all chipper.. he stared for a moment but smiled and shrugged it off, changing the channels again.

After a good 4 hours he was asleep on the couch, food and snacks everywhere and the TV still played random movies and TV shows and other stuff. Until he heard loud knocking on the door.

He jumped up, knocking stuff over onto the floor as he stood up quickly, he looked over and stood up, heading for the door, opening it curious, odd for anyone to come by here since it was so secluded.

However when he opened it, all he saw was the same raccoon who sold him this plot of land long ago, which.. he doesn't fully remember..

Tom Nook puts on a smile and makes his way inside, "SMG4, how've you been?" He asked, seemingly in a good mood, though SMG4 had been putting up with him long enough to know this was just quiet before the storm kind of thing.. he's not ready for the whole lecture again..

"Hey.. Tom Nook.. uh, can I help you?" He asked. Tom Nook turned to him and keeps the smile, but it started to fade a little bit, "I believe you can, but do you mind bringing me to the kitchen to discuss this?" He asked. SMG4 gulps as he leads the raccoon to the kitchen.

Once in the kitchen SMG4 pours a glass of water and hands it to him as he takes a glass for himself and sits down, why was he beating around the bush? Both of them knew why he was here..

"Thanks very much, now.. you know why I'm here I hmm?" he states, taking a sip of water, SMG4 said nothing, just held the glass in his hands as he nodded "yeah.." he replied.

It was about the mortgage payments he owed, which was typical, but because he's all alone with no real job, it wasn't doing too well, and he needed to pay for his utilities and other essentials, it was very hard for him to do. But that gets him nowhere.

"As I see it, you made very little progress on your mortgage money, you paid about what.. 20 dollars? You do realize your mortgage is about $500,000... right?" He asked, SMG4 nodded and sighs, finding words to try and maybe try and find a way to keep going just a little longer.

"Yeah I-I know.. but... but I've already told you! It's already a hassle to pay utilities, and my crap! I only got YouTube for a job!" He stammers anxiously.

Tom Nook scoffs, "sounds like you need to get out of the house a little more eh? Because.. YouTube ain't gonna cut it" he laughs sarcastically. SMG4 looked down, he was right it wasn't..

"So.. I'm here to collect what you have for it, but I take it you don't even have a penny do you?" He asked unsurprisingly, SMG4 stood up "uhh, well.. I have... 3 bucks?" He smiles anxiously but knew very well this was not gonna go over well.

Tom Nook didn't look amused or shocked, "that's unfortunate, but the thing is.. and I should've explained earlier.. I'm not waiting any longer.." he sighs.

SMG4 went wide eyed and shook his head "No, No, No! L-listen-! I'll find a job and pay it off!" He pleaded, but Tom nook stood up and dumped the rest of the water in the sink,

"sorry, I've given you more extensions then I should've, and you didn't use ANY of them to your advantage..." Tom Nook says, walking over to SMG4, "but you can't say I'm no help" he added, handing SMG4 a paper.

"There's a shelter taking in homeless folk like yourself, you can stay there and maybe work yourself up again, and if I were you, I'd say you should take advantage of it now before you can't," Nook continued as he walked up to the front doors ready to leave, "I'll give ya today to pack what you need and head out, got it?" Tom Nook says looking back at him.

SMG4 didn't look at him, only at the paper with teary eyes, but he nodded agreeing, he had no choice and he was to take the blame on this one. He should've known better..

He really should have done better.

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