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"Babe maybe we should get something in the garden for them to play with~" y/n said with a smile "Like a big playhouse to play in?" he asked as y/n gasped "Omg that's so cute!" she smiled as she turned to the babies that were giggling at some Halloween decorations. "Babe we have to be nicer-" y/n warned as Sunghoon frowned "Im not saying anything mean, i just said the word mean, how is that not nice enough coming from me?" Sunghoon reasoned as y/n frowned at him.

"Babe look! a princess castle... Wait no- look at that one- barbie's dreamhouse!" Y/n pointed out as Sunghoon ruffled her hair. "Honestly I think it's perfect, 3 stories, big enough for the twins to spend time in, something we can work on together~" Sunghoon sang, as he smiled at the girl. "Aw Sunghoon you're so fucking cute when you're happy, why can't you be happy all the timeeee?" y/n pouted as Sunghoon rolled his eyes.

And in perfect timing, a certain someone appeared before her and Sunghoon. "Ah Sunghoon~ and if it isn't the pretty y/n~" Yeonjun complimented. Y/n nervously laughed knowing how possessive Sunghoon gets when a man compliments his y/n, his hands balling into fists, "mama~" Avaani whined, wanting to get carried, the girl smiles, picking up the baby. "Ah so you finally gave birth, wow I haven't seen you in so long then Hooners... If you're done shopping may I treat you to lunch?" Yeonjun asked with a sweet, fake smile as y/n turned to Sunghoon.

"Babe? Will you be ok with that? maybe seeing your kind brother the kids will be kind too!" y/n pointed out, still clueless about the little conflict between the 2 brothers "I see your wife says yes~" he smirked as Sunghoon held back his anger "Babe, we'll grab a quick meal and leave straight after." Sunghoon simply said not liking the idea of Yeonjun one bit.

God all the things he was holding back from doing, feeling the girls' eyes on him. Sunghoon watched as Yeonjun flirted lowkey, and how he checked her out so shamelessly, purposely pissing Sunghoon off by getting a little touchy with y/n. Yeonjun was really asking for it. Watching y/n cluelessly smile and converse with his brother was pretty tough to put up with, but hearing Yeonjun mildly slip in some filthy compliments in a sugar coated manner pissed the male off more.

Sunghoon ordered himself a hot drink as he busied himself with baby Anaya who was still awake. The baby softly gripped onto Sunghoon's finger, her curious eyes meeting Sunghoon's. The man's heart fluttered at how adorable his baby girl was, smiling as he let her shake his hand around. He was still keeping an eye on Yeonjun though, not trusting him one bit. "Hmm maybe you should come by my bar some day" Yeonjun randomly said as Sunghoon immediately turned to him, glaring at the smirking demon before him. Before Sunghoon could even say a word, y/n spoke up with a smile.

"I'm afraid I have to turn down your offer... me and Hoon will be busy with the babies, and any free time we get, we like to spend alone... sorry" She kindly apologize, as Sunghoon turned back to the babies, smiling. Not only did she turn down the offer, but she called him Hoon, god that girl is so cute. However, Sunghoon was still wary, what if she simply turned it down because she wanted to avoid being locked in the basement?....

"Awww look at Avaani, she's sleeping while hugging Anaya's arm" y/n cooed as baby Anaya whined softly, trying to pull out of her sister's grip. Sunghoon softly, pulled the baby away, treating them as if they were delicate little angels, as if even the tiniest mistake would snap them. "Bit of a selfish sister eh? sort of like Sunghoon" Yeonjun joked as he stared at baby Anaya.

Some joke that was. It's clear, Yeonjun hated those babies as they were a result of Sunghoon and y/n, and Sunghoon was no stranger to this greedy bitch side of Yeonjun. The nerve to even make a comment on one of his angels. Sunghoon opens his extremely hot drink and accidentally spills it on Yeonjun, with a smirk. "oops... accident my bad." He simply said as the two demons glared at each other, their red eyes glowing like a fire opal gem put in the sunlight.

"Babe- I think we should head home, babies are sleepy..." Y/n said as Sunghoon turned to her, the red in his eyes long gone. "Kay lets head home sweetheart, we can build the castle while they sleep" he said with a smile as he got up, making sure the babies were safe inside the pushchair before leaving the building, his hands on the pushchair as he forced y/n to walk in the tiny space between him and his pushchair, not liking his angels being away from him for even just a split second...


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