Part 7

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Hobi makes everyone fall forhim too much in mansion because of his kind humble personality... servant, bodyguards even their child.

One bodyguard baby came inside when Hobi making lunch jimin sit in front of TV

The baby came and hug Hobi. Hobi smile.

Hey sun shiny hyung can I take micky and play with him. Child asked annocently

Yh why not he is in cart. Took him when you done playing then bring him back. Hobi said while caressing his hair. Jimin look at hobi how he treat the servant baby.and how he call him with his neck name

Thanks sun shiny hyung. He ran pick micky in his lap and ran back but unfortunately he broke the glass unintentionally. He get scared. Jimin came and about to yell on him and hit him. Hobi just push him behind his back

Sorry sir he is child. He don't do it purposely don't get mad or hit him. let him go he is baby .  said looking down

You go baby play with micky he smile at baby. Baby ran away now he is facing jimin anger. He looking down

Jimin don't know but he slap him hardly that Hobi fell and all the shards enter in his hand. He hissed in pain. His hand start bleeding . He try to hold his tears. He get up and start washing his hand and clean blood.

He took bandage, clean the wound and bandage it.

After bandaging he served lunch to jimin and also Brought jimin mom to dining table.

What happened to your hand Hobi. She ask in concern

I'm sorry eumma but I burn it while cooking. Don't worry it'll ok soon. He smile

Hobi who told you to cook. From now you don't cook and it's my order. Jimin mom said sternly.

Oh eumma. It's not a big deal.Hobi said

Hobi. She said

Plz eumma I promise I'll be OK don't worry now eat.

OK but now I feed you. Because of your therapy my hand start working and she laughed.

Now she feed Hobi. Jimin feels too much guilty in his heart. He know Hobi apply foundation on his face just to hide hand print on his face.

He don't know how Hobi bear his insult his harsh words and still he act like a happy man in front of everyone.

Hobi and his mother laugh. He feel like his mother alive again. It is only because of Hobi.

They all done with lunch.

Hobi after washing dishes. He came to garden. Jimin have Call so he also came to garden. After talking. He look  at hobi who don't know jimin is here.

Hobi tears fall from his face. He try to remove the tears but his tars fall too much. He sob hardly he just put his head in his knees. Cry harder looking at his hand.
Jimin don't know but he wanna  calm the boy. But he don't. After sometime hobi wash his face and go inside.

It's getting dark.

Hobi after dinner. Came back to room jimin is in Washroom. he don't have stimna to change. He just took pillow and go to sleep.

Jimin came back from shower. He looked at. Hobi. He looks so tired. He go towards him sit beside him. He examine him he is really beautiful creature he is looking like Angel. His heart shape lips, his doe eyes,his little nose round cheeks wile pouting in sleep it makes him more beautiful jimin don't know but he admire him he is in his thoughts not knowing he is sit with him on floor.

After sometimes Hobi change side but he hissed in pain he put his hand on his back and turn on other side. Jimin noted how he is in pain. Jimin without any thought. He pick him and lay him on the bed. Cover him And go to other side and sleep.


At morning jimin the first who wake up. He feel something above his chest.He open his eyes
He smile how hobi cheek squeeze across his bare chest. He looks like a cute baby. He see Hobi is going to wake up. He just purposely hold him with. Both hand. Hobi start waking. He feel the hardness but not knowing whats this when he get up he see he is almost on the top of shirtless jimin. He scream but he quickly put his hand on his mouth. He hissed in pain. He caged in jimin arms. He think how he end up here while thinking jimin turn side and also turned him like some pillow or plushy . Now he is under jimin don't know what to do. His heart start beating so fast. Jimin feels his everything he is too close to him. Now his head in Hobi neck.

Hobi calm down. He said to himself but jimin hear it and smile

You should said to him. No what if he tell me that I secretly sleep on his bed. No no I don't do this type of things. Hey God help me. He talking with himself not knowing jimin control his laugh so hardely.

Uhhhhh sir he tap on his shoulders. Jimin don't respond.

Sir plz get up let me take breath.

Jimin growl. What happened. Why you tap on my shoulder. Now he is get up but his hand now on each side of Hobi. Hobi want to escape but Helpless. Jimin woke up fully he look at Hobi. s..sorry s..sir I d.....don't k...know I end up here Hobi said  looking down biting his bottom lip. Jimin don't know but he slowly come close to his face. Hobi heart start pounding.

But at a time someone burst into room they both startled and get up

Ahhhhhhh. Yoongi and tae scream.

We don't see anything. Just carry on. While saying this they scurrying from room. Hobi become red tomato.

Jimin just look at hobi who don't have word what to do. He go to took cold shower

What happened to me. Why I act like this. Jimin said to himself.

BY the time he came back. Everyone look at him while smirking. He just role his eyes.

This is enough for today

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