Part 9

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At  morning when Hobi wake up. He is with jimin while looking at his body he start crying. Jimin just get up. He look at hobi who's all body covered with purple and red marks
He is in his shorts. Hobi just took his shirt and start to get up but jimin grab him and make him face him.

This body art reminds you that you are mine. Jimin said while GLARING him .

Hobi go to take shower .

Jimin look at the sheet still have cum and blood on it it's Hobi blood because he is Virgin. He changed the sheet.

He don't know what he did he feel guilty he forced Hobi but he know it's feel good He enjoy it but Hobi just felt pain. Jimin in savere jealousy he just give him pain because of his Jelousy.

Hobi came out of washroom. Wore beggy clothes. He feel sore his body all ache but he has to make breakfast for his cold husband otherwise he hit him or do anything.

Hobi ignore jimin and limping while going out jimin grab him. Pick him in his arms and lay him on bed.

No need to make breakfast. I order something. Just take rest but after breakfast and taking med. Jimin don't tell him he just order him.

Thank you so much sir no need of this kindness. I'll be OK as always. He trying to get up but  Jim lay him back.

If you say more word I don't hasitate to fuck you again. Jimin said while glaring at him

Hobi just get scared and look down he don't have stimna to fight with him.

They eat together. And jimin give him medicine

After that he go to office and Hobi sleep effect of med.


Jimin came to office.

Hello chim what's up. Jin ask in charing voice he don't want to recall yesterday drama

I'm OK why what happened to me. Jimin ask

Jin just glare at him and jimin sigh.

I'm OK just don't worry that's bastard words don't effect me at all. He shrug

Yh yh i know that's why you yell at him that Hobi is yours how cute. Jin just coo

Hyung don't be so happy. Jimin said

Yh yh i don't.jin laugh and jimin just sigh

Jin talking yo him he notice the nail print on Jim wrist.

Hey chim what's this. Jin ask

Jimin see its Hobi nail print when he was Fucking him and Hobi try to release himself.

It's nothing. he answer

Chim just Fucking answer me what you did with Hobi. If you did wrong with him I'll for sure cut your dick. Jin threat.

Jimin knows jin never ever leave him until he find out the truth

Uhhh Hyung I was so Jelous and I'm not in senses I...... I jimin stutter while looking at Jin

You what. Jin ask again now in most serious tone

I force myself on him and sex with him forcely . Jimin said but he know the other reaction

You Fucking chim how dare you to force yourself on him. You know he is annocent he don't know either about you or kookie. He is live with you just because of your mother and don't think I don't know how you treat him. The hand print and those marks and his wounded hands which he hide from everyone and keep lie to everyone just because of us no matter how he hide I still know and don't think he tell me if he tell me that day I don't spare you, you blame him for everything and just make him suffer because of your Jelousy and lust. Jin is in anger.

Jimin feel guilty.

Hey Hyung I'm sorry but at morning I make him rest and give him med and also make him sleep please don't get mad. Jim now look at jin

So just I don't want to talk anything now. We'll go to him at noon and don't you dare to do this again . This time I go easily but second time I make you suffer.

Jim just noded.

I'll be try to good husband to him. Jim said


At noon Hobi wake up he look at the watch and it's 1 o clock.

OMG he rush towards kitchen. He is now ok because of med.

When he is running he bumped into flower vessel and fill down

Ouch. He hissed in pain and grab his foot. He try to get up but same time jin and jimin came inside.

Jimin just go to him

What happened hobi. You are so clumsy all time running and at result you fell down now get up he trying to get him up. Hobi don't know jin is here too.

It's ok sir don't worry. I'll get up by myself. It's minor injury for me. But jimin pick him without his well and make him sit on couch

Sir. Jin ask

Jin Hyung oh hello you are here I don't know you are here he try to get up jin came and make him sit again.

Now explain I never see a couple who called his husband sir

Uhh. Actually... Uhhh I.... I. Hobi stutter don't know what to answer

Because on our wedding day I tell him to call me sir. Jimin rply honestly

Jimin you. Jin going to get up but Hobi grab his hand.

It's ok jin Hyung it's in rule and now Hobi eyes went wide because he blurt in front of jin

Now also explain those rules. Jin asked sternly. Hobi just exuse himself.

And now jimin tells jin everything. Jin just glared to jimin.

You make him sleep in floor not even in couch. Jin asked

I'm sorry hyung.

How you say only sorry hn jin said in almost anger voice

Hyung I promise I don't give him pain again. Plz forgive me

OK I'll forgive you in one condition if I listen anything from you anymore which hurt him I swear to God I don't hasitate to get Hobi divorce from you and make him married to kookie.
Jimin eyes went wide

Only in your all dreams. He is mine no matter what. Jimin said

OK I'll just wait and watch.

Jimin give him victory smile and Jin sigh


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