Part 23

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Jin and Jim mom talking about Hobi.

How's he jini. Jim mom asked

She is also not in good condition. She is not able to walk. It's Hobi who make her go outside now he is also not OK so Jim mom in bedroom all the day. They all came and talk to her sometime kookie make her to go outside but she comeback after some time.

Take care of him he is weak. Jim mom said.

Jin nodded.

He go to Hobi room where he just lay on bed breathing slowly. He is sleeping. Jin cares his hair kiss him on head and go back to their portion.

Jim joon and kookie now go to office because of some project. Kai and Jin take care of Hobi.


Just wait baby you are mine else I'll kill you no one have you if you don't become mine.

Hyunjin laugh evily .

I'll coming my princess for you.

Just can't wait anymore.


At Jim mansion

Kai go to Hobi and start playing with him.

Kai cheat to tease Hobi.

Kai you are cheater. I'm gonna play with you anymore.

Hobi pout.

OK ok we'll start again.

They play together kai cheat as usual and Hobi pout.

He made hobi sleep and go to his room.


At evening kai go towards back yard someone hit him across his head.

Before Kai process they beat him and tie him.

Hey leave me who are you and guy punch him. Kai got unconscious.

Hyunjin man beat security gaurd. Which is OK back yard the front one don't know whats happening inside.

Hyunjin first go to jimin mom room. Here she on ventilater.

Hey aunt hyunjin say. Jim mom eyes went wide.

W...what a.....are y........ you d......doing

I'm here for Hobi. Hyunjin smirk.

Hey you bastard don't you dare to touch him you don't know Jim kill you. She yelled now she is breathing heavily. She took ventilater but hyunjin grab from her hand.

We'll see. Now rest in peace. He remove the ventilater. Jim mom breath heavily and feel suffocating.

Hyunjin go towards Hobi room.

He open the door. He see Hobi slerp peacefully. He smile.

He go to him and kiss him. Hobi pout in sleep.

He caress his hair.

Jim hyung hobi said open his eyes but his eyes went wide when he see hyunjin instead of Jim.

He screamed. He going to run but hyunjin grab him.

Where are you going baby. Hyunjin said with smirk.

P....plz f..... Don't t....... touch m.... me l.... Let G.... Go Hobi said crying and stuttering.

Ohhh princes now you are mine. If I don't have you no one have too. Hyunjin said in dark voice.

Hobi shivered

Hyunjin grab him.

Heyy plz leave me. Hobi said crying.

Hyunjin slap him across his face. Hobi fell. He hissed in pain.

He drag him again

They are in pool area now.

Leave me you bastard. What do you think you get me like this hyunjin no never I never love you and my heart never beat for you it's beat for jim hyung only no matter what. Hobi shout

Ohh so it's beat for him. I think it's beat for someone else too. Hyunjin came smirking and put his hand on Hobi belly.

Hobi get back.

Don't touch my baby with your dirty hand. Hobi warned.

Hyunjin kick him.

Ahhh hobi scream in pain.

Now I'll give you the worst death my love coz jimin always snatch my favourite things from me but if I take it he take it back. But now he never take back you neither I have nor he has you. Hyunjin said

Hobi eyes went wide

This is enough for today.

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