Part 20

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Hobi is now a day feel not too good.

Jim care of him. He go to office for few hour then came back.

Today Hobi is not feeling too good.

Hyung my back hurt. Hobi tell jimin in morning while crying.

Jim make him lay on him. And start caressing his tummy.

It's ok hoba. Just one week just bear it.

Hyung. I'm not more. He said crying. Hobi is week he is not that much strong till childhood. When he was become sick he was not going to school for one or two week and his parents had took care of him too much they know how weak their child was.

Jim call jin. Jin and Kookie quickly came. Joonie also in dining hall he also join them.

Jin came and go to crying Hobi. And start caressing his back. Jim tell him everything.

Hobi look at me baby. It’s OK you'll be fine we all with you. Jin said to Hobi.

Joonie and Kookie sit with Jim because he is also crying with Hobi
He is so cold but when it come to Hobi he is not that much strong.

Hyung you people don't know I'm so weak. Im like this till my childhood then he tell them that how when he was sick in his childhood and how was his pare treat him. Jin hug him.

It's ok baby. Jin said to him.

They call doctor.

Tae and yoongi also came.

Tae also sit with Hobi and start sweet talking to him.

You know hobi you are so strong you'll make a sad person happy even you melt cold person then how you weak. Tae said with his boxy smile.

You'll fight for yourself for your baby for him and also for your love once. Tae said caressing his hair

Hobi nodded.

All the guard came for Hobi. They scared of jimin but jin said jimin that how they love Hobi and how impatience to meet Him.

The same baby who was took Hobi dog he came to Hobi and hug him.

Pweas shun shiny hyung get well soon it's ok don't play with me or give me mickey I know master will get mad at you. you know when he slapped you because of me I cried alot hyung you know sun shiny hyung you are the best our teacher said to me that a person like you deserve happiness. The baby said hugging him. Everyone coo

It's ok baby I'm OK. You all came uselessly I'm OK I'm not going to die. Hobi said with smile.

Hobi shut up don't you dare to say words like these. Jim said with glare.

All the bodyguard flinched but deep inside they are happy because how jimin care for Hobi.

After sometime all bodyguard came back to their homes tae and yoongi also came back after dinner.

Hobi is now sleeping jim talk to doctor.

It's ok Mr Jim. He is weak that's why he is act like this. Just keep him healthy and take care of him very well don't angry or harsh on him. He is also only 20 year old he is still child. So be patience with him doctor prescrib him some med and go out.

Jin making soup for Hobi. He came.

Baby wake up you should eat something so you get some energy. Jim said with lovely voice. Hobi wake up and smile at him.

Hyung why you do this for me I'm OK. Hobi said in lazy voice.

Just zip your mouth and eat this. Jim glared. Hobi nodded he know kin very well.

Jin feed Hobi. Then give him med change his clothes and wore him comfortable clothes and made him sleep.

Jimin came jin give him smile, kiss Hobi head and go out from their room.

Jim came to hobi kissed him and lay bedside him. Lay Hobi head on his chest. And cares his back apply wax on his back so he don't feel pain.

After taking care of him he changed and come back Hobi hug his body like fat fluffy ball Jim just smile how hobi don't show himself so that no one look his big tummy. In jimin shirt it look little but now in his own shorts it's look big. Jim smiled and go to his dreamland.

This is for today.

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