Chapter 23

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The three brothers tried going back down, out of the tower. But the stairs have already burned down. Thats when they saw someone climbing up the tower.

"Francis?!" Called out Alistair

"I'm here to save you three! Where's Arthur?!" He yelled

"Our brother isn't in here!" Said Dylan

"Let me save you three first. We'll find Arthur soon!"

As Francis climbed up the tower he first took down injured Dylan, and then Conner. Alistair decided to come down himself to prove himself as a brave king.

"We need to find Arthur, fast." Said Francis, as he gave injured Dylan back to Alistair

The four of them ran into the woods, getting away from all the rioting. After running for a while, they found a familiar body lying in a pool of blood near a tree.

"Wait a minute, is that-" Alistair said until Conner cut him off


"I think so..." said Dylan

"What do we do now?" Asked Conner

"Don't worry. Conner, you take his body back onto the ship to the United Kingdom. We three will find Arthur."

Conner did as said and the other three searched for a couple of hours in the woods. At around midnight, the three of them got tired and met up again.

"Please be alright, Arthur." Said Dylan as he was clutching onto Alistair, as all of them were under a shady tree.

Suddenly, Francis saw a glimmering light at the corner of his eye.

"Let's go over there!" He said, as the other two followed

The next thing they saw was Arthur practicing magic, with fairies and other supernatural beings surrounding him.

"Is he doing witchcraft?!" Exclaimed Francis

"That's so cool..." said Dylan

"As cool as it is Dylan, why is he doing it now out of all times?! We have to get Arthur back!"

As the three of them crept closer to Arthur, they tried calling out his name. But Arthur couldn't hear from that far away.

"What do we do now?" Asked Alistair, "We probably shouldn't go close, I have a bad feeling about that."

"You two go back to the main area, and I'll stay here for a while."

Alistair smiled at that and hugged Francis tightly.

My Precious Prince (FrUK Royal AU)Where stories live. Discover now