Taken to be Returned

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Taken to be returned

"M'Lady, I know that this may be a bad time, given we're in the middle of dealing with an Akuma and," Chat dodged a rock thrown at him, "My Girlfriend and I were talking and we were thinking of expanding our relationship."

"That nice." Muttered Ladybug, ducking a rock, "Why are you bringing it up?"

"Well, she and I were talking and there's this other girl that we both like and we don't know how to tell her." Said Chat, jumping from roof to roof.

"Have a normal conversation with her, ask her if she wants to join you two." Said Ladybug, ignoring the sharp pang in her chest.

"Do you think Marinette will really want to?" Asked Chat, making Ladybug stumble and nearly fall off the roof.

Before Ladybug could recover, an arm wrapped around her neck. Her blood ran cold as the mocking laughter of Hawkmoth rang out.

"Oh, this was too easy." Sneered Hawkmoth, as he started to drag Ladybug away.

Ladybug thrashed and screamed and bit Hawkmoth, who only tightened his hold around her neck, squeezing until she passed out.


Ladybug woke to a cage inside a big plastic cube, inside another cage. Her hands immediately went to her ears, finding them bare. A lump started to form in Marinette's throat, Hawkmoth now had Tikki. Marinette's heart then froze when she realised that Hawkmoth now knew who she was, he could target her friends and family at any time.

"I hope you find your accommodations suitable," Said Hawkmoth, as he walked into the room, "Having this built wasn't easy."

"Where's Tikki?" Demanded Marinette, jumping to her feet, "What have you done to her?"

"It is where it belongs, Mlle. Dupain-Cheng." Said Hawkmoth, as the door unlocked, allowing him to stalk towards her, "If I were you, I'd be more concerned about myself."

Marinette smirked at him, "I guess that was sets us apart, you only care about yourself and how it'll benefit you, I much prefer to have others experiencing things with me."

Hawkmoth Glared, before drawing his hand back and hitting Marinette, knocking her on her to the ground.

"Where's the Miracle box?" Demanded Hawkmoth, as he stood over her, "I know the Guardian left it with you and I know it's not in your room, because I would've found it."

Marinette suddenly felt violated, having Hawkmoth tell her that he'd been in her room. It also told her that he didn't look very hard.

"You really think I'd tell you?" Asked Marinette, her face set in complete defiance.

"You will." Said Hawkmoth, as he drew his leg back.

The beating Hawkmoth gave her lasted at least three hours, Marinette was satisfied that she had managed to get a few hits back on him.

A couple of hours later Mayura walked into the room, presumably to continue Hawkmoth's work.

The next day the beatings continued, then the next week they started to electrocute her, burn her, cut into her, stripped her, jam two very hot needles into her back and near drown her. Marinette coughed up water, as Mayura stared down at her. Hawkmoth had to leave because Marinette bit down on him.

"You know that if you just tell us, all this will stop." Said Mayura, running her hand along Marinette's back, "Just tell us where the box is, and we'll let you go."

"Fuck off." Marinette grumbled, trying not to shiver.

"Well, you can't say you weren't offered an alternative." Said Mayura, drawing her hand back.

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