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Ladybug ducked under The Akuma's swing, Ryuuko and Viperion were with her fighting, with Taurus and Chat enroute to them. Thus far, the Akuma was a slow, powerful brick that was doing more damage to itself than its surroundings.

"This is almost too easy." Said Ryuuko, as Viperion yelled.

Both Ladybug and Ryuuko turned around in time to see Hawkmoth break Viperion's neck.

Ladybug wasn't sure what was louder, Viperion's neck breaking or Ryuuko's scream as she dashed towards Hawkmoth. Hawkmoth took advantage of Ryuuko's enraged state by grabbing the Heroine's sword and shoving it through her abdomen. Ryuuko stopped, before coughing up blood as her transformation fell.

Hawkmoth sneered as she shoved the blade into the Japanese woman's heart.

The Akuma exploded, as Ladybug snapped her fingers.

"You'll die for that." Snarled Ladybug, only getting a laugh from Hawkmoth.

"Oh, really?" Sneered Hawkmoth, "It seems I've done what my predecessor couldn't."

Taurus shot out and punched her into a building, prompting her to make her escape.

Chat landed next to Viperion, as Ladybug rushed over to Kagami.

"Dead." Said Chat, trying to keep his voice level.

"She'll die," Swore Ladybug, "Even if I have to tear the world apart, she is going to die."


Lila called off her transformation, before walking down the corridor of the warehouse she was hiding in, the Peacock resting in her pocket, the fragmented remains quietly clinking together as she walked.

'Soon,' Thought Lila, 'I will have everything I deserve.'

Across the city, Ladybug and Chat Noir sat cradling their partners bodies.

"We need to get home." Said Chat, hoarsely.

Ladybug nodded, before she spotted smoke across the city, mentally following the smoke, Ladybug paled and shot towards the blaze, Chat following after telling Taurus to take Luka and Kagami's bodies back to their base.

Ladybug and Chat Noir detransformed in an alley near the fire. Marinette ran towards the school, as smoke was billowing out from the building. She spotted one of Max and Kim's boys, Salim.

"Salim!" Cried Marinette, grabbing his shoulders, "Where are Emma and the boys?"

"I-I don't know." Stuttered Salim, before Marinette started rushing through the crowd, trying to find her children.

"If they're not here, they must still be inside." Said a member of staff, just before the fire flashed over, sending a shockwave out as it blew out the windows.

Marinette slowly started to collapse, when Adrien came up behind her and grabbed her. Something in Marinette broke, as tears started rolling down her face.

Hawkmoth smirked as she watched Marinette breakdown, she should've done this sooner.


The base was silent as Adrien and Marinette entered, having seen the report on the news. Witnessing Marinette's breakdown and the recovery of three bodies from the wreckage.

"Hawkmoth's claim responsibility for the fire." Said Alya, quietly, "Lila seemed all to happy to announce that."

"I hope we don't have to face her soon," Responded Nino, "There's no telling what Mari will do."

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