chapter 2~The unexpected meet♥

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kunti last ritual was done. Krishna consoled Arjun. After 2 day Arjun left to madra his madri maternal home. And madra raj ask Arjun help in war. So fullfulling his duty he goes to madra kingdom.

After one week dwarka family return back to dwarka.

In dwarka

Vasudev tell everything to balram .

Balram said"how can you do it Pithashree I know it bua last wish but you didn't even ask gudiya ".

Vasudev said" I also thought it balram but how must I say no to kunti when she ask something to me during her last breath ".

Balram said" What if gudiya didnt agree".

Vasudev said"I know my daughter she will I am not saying this because i gave promise but subhadra will understand why I gave promise to kunti about(her) subhadra" marriage.

Krishna sit besides his father and siad"Pithashree I will go and tell ruchi about it ".

Vasudev nodded his head.

Krishna start his journeys towards subhadra kanya kul.

Subhadra was playing with renu and jaya. Suddenly sound of chariot came. Subhadra become happy as she identified who's chariot it is.

She turned and see her bharata Krishna has came. She ran towards him and hug and siad"bharta Krishna I miss a lot not only you I miss everyone ".

Krishna caressed her hair and said"we also miss you a lot ruchi".

Subhadra broke they hug and ask " Sudden visit is everything all right".

Krishna said"bua kunti died*.

Subhadra get shocked she siad"how and when" .

Krishna said"one week ago and ".. He stop.

Subhadra said" And what ".

Krishna continued" And bua ask last wish to pithashree that is your hand for Arjun in marriage and pithashree gave bua promise "

Subhadra get shocked it was clearly able to see on her face.Renu and jaya look at each other.

Subhadra, shocked and emotional, responds, "What? Bua Kunti asked for my hand in marriage for Arjun? This is unexpected bharta I need some time to process this news."

Subhadra, still processing the news, continue by saying, " Bharta Krishna, this is a lot to take in. I never imagined such a twist in my life. How can I fulfill Bua Kunti's last wish? It's a big responsibility and decision to make."

Krishna, understanding his sister Subhadra's dilemma, responds gently, "Ruchi, I know this is unexpected, but trust in Pithashree's decision. He believed in this for a reason. Let's talk more about it and figure out the best way forward together."

Krishna continue by saying, "Ruchi, I know it's a lot to process, but remember, family and duty are important values for us. Let's discuss this further and find a way to honor Bua Kunti's last wish while considering your feelings too."

Subhadra respond, " Bharta Krishna, you're right. Family and duty are crucial to us. I will trust in Pithashree's decision and work through this together with you. Let's find a way to honor Bua Kunti's wish while considering what's best for everyone involved."

Subhadra express her worries by saying, " Bharta Krishna, I'm concerned if I can handle the responsibility of marriage and be a good wife to Arjun. It's a big step and a huge commitment. I want to make sure I can fulfill these roles with love and dedication."

Krishna could reply reassuringly, "Ruchi, I understand your concerns, but remember, love and understanding are the foundations of a strong marriage. With your caring nature and dedication, I believe you will be a wonderful wife to Arjun. Trust in Arjun, yourself and in our support."