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Arjun return back to indraprastha after meeting subhadra. He was so happy for finding his love for her.

He goes back to his chamber and laid on bed he memorise subhadra face her innocent  eyes. Her pretty smile her beautiful cheeks her long black hair. He was smiling like an idiot.

He get up from his bed and take out a canvas paper and take out some brushes and some paint.

He remember subhadra face and paint her painting. He remember each feature of her face perfectly. Atlast he was done he look at the picture it was Absolutely perfect. He smiled looking a subhadra painting .

Suddenly nakul entered in his room and se his brother painting something he goes near him and stand beside him

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Suddenly nakul entered in his room and se his brother painting something he goes near him and stand beside him.

He see a beautiful girls painting she look so beautiful and innocent.

Nakul said"bharta who is she".pointing towards painting.

Arjun said" Princess of dwarka".

Nakul said"means subhadra ".

Arjun nodded.

Nakul ask" But where did you meet her".

Arjun explained him whatever happened at end become little sad as subhadra is not fully happy for marrige she was concern that can she take responsibility and all.

Nakul said"its ok bharta every girl will feel like this and bhabhi subhadra was all right she never meet you and she is going marry you will of course make her feel concern she need time ".

Arjun said" Yes you are right"

Nakul said"now come and meet pitashri you can look at your would be wife painting later ".

Arjun blushed and both left to meet pandu.

Meanwhile subhadra was lost in her own thought she is in delimme she is going to marry with Arjun but here she has developed feeling for vijaya in her heart who was unknown to her that he is Arjun.

She try her best to forgot him but always faill she decided to think about Arjun may be that can help her..

After 15 days.

It was time for every girl to leave from kanyakul and go back to there home back.

Renu jaya and subhadra hug each other for a long time they take blessing of gurumata. Gurumata bless them and bless subhadra and tell her marriage is a great responsibility don't let anyone misunderstand broke the relationship.

Subhadra nodded.

Subhadra said"I will miss you renu and jaya".

They both said"we will also miss you".

Later krishna came to take his sister back. Subhadra hug her brother and said"let's go bharta i am excited to meet everyone".

They both procced toward dwarka.

After some prahaar they reach at dwarka. Everyone shower flower on there beloved princess. Subhadra run towards her pitashri and hug him. Vasudev hug her back.

Subhadra hug her mothers devaki and rohini. Then subhadra hug her dau and balram hug her back with love . Later subhadra hug her other brother gada and satyaki. Then subhadra hug her bhabhi.

Subhadra said"I miss you all"

All said"we miss you a lot".

Vasudev take her hand in his and said"I am sorry rochana i must have..... But couldn't continue and subhadra entrupt "pitashri dont be sorry i understand your situation how you could have say no when bua kunti was on death bed so it's fine dont ask forgiveness".

Vasudev said"your are most mature child".he hug her back. Subhadra whipped her tears before anyone could notice it.

Revathi said"now come subhadra i have arrrange chandansana for you".

Subhadra smile.

Vasudev said"go putri we have to go in sabha in afternoon ".

Subhadra nodded.

Subhadra goes to her chamber with her bhabhis and mothers.

They did her snaan with milk ,honey, turmeric water , turmeric paste and last with

They decorate her with beautiful saree and jewellers she look damn beautiful. Later she went to sabha and vasudev introduced subhadra and announce"after 15 days there is marriage of princess subhadra with panduputra Arjun so start the arrangements".

Everyone nodded . Later sabha get over.

Subhadra was walking around garden later jada joined her.

Subhadra was lost in thought of vijaya she try to remove him from her mind but she always fall. So she decided to ask about Arjun to gada.

Subhadra ask"bharta gada you are friend of Arjun na how is he".

Gada look at her and said"Arjun is like the sun on a cloudy day, bringing light and warmth wherever he goes. He is a warrior with a heart of gold, brave and true. His presence is like a gentle breeze that soothes the soul. Arjun is a man of honor and integrity, a friend you can always rely on. He is a mystery waiting to be unraveled, a story waiting to be told. Arjun is not just a name; he is a legend in the making."

Gada continued"he is humble person he can do anything for his family, he always honour his mother and father wish . Loves his siblings nakul and sahdev like his own son we can say without any doubt he is most selfless man like his father".

Subhadra smiled.

Gada said"but he is were short temper person not like bharta balram but not less than him anyone dare to say a word against his family he will show hell to that person".

Subhadra look at gada gada look at her and said"I had hear that he is going to come after 10 days".

Subhadra said"why marriage is after 15 days na".

Gada said"yes bhadra but there are many rituals of marriage for that he is coming"

Subhadra said"ohhh".

Gada said"bhadra are you ok you seems lost at some thoughts ".

Subhadra hidden her feeling and said" No I am alright just think that i will leave you all after marriage ".

Gada siddhu her and siad, don't worry we will visits you ".

Subhadra smiled.

Gada said" Now let's go it's time for lunch everyone must be waiting for us ".

Subhadra nodded and both of them left from there to dining hall.

Subhadra pov

Subhadra better you keep your feeling for vijaya hidden because who know how you feel vijaya don't feel same and even though pitashri honour is in you hand if you disagrre to marry Arjun everyone will insult pitashri so accept Arjun as your husband and forgot that you ever meet. Even though everyone say Arjun is best . Don't choose you vijaya because if you choose him you will  disrespect pitashri honour .

To be continued.

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