Chapter 20.

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T H E   S I L E N T   W A T E R S

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T H E   S I L E N T   W A T E R S

T I M E   H E A L S   N O T   T H E   S C A R S
B U T   T H E   W O U N D S

P A R T 01.

older one heals
but the newer ones remain

Om looked at the file in his hands. He and Rudra shared a look before turning to the client sitting at the other end of the table.

Jhanvi wasn't present in the meeting as she was accompanying their father for his regular checkups. And Shakti too was attending a meeting with board of directors. They had been putting pressure on them because of the steady downfall in the profits and now it was below the axis. They are losing everything. And it caused the legal authorities to get concerned, and if they aren't careful they might lose the legal authorisation of the company.

"I agree with all this, Mr. Omkara Singh Oberoi. But what have you presented here is the map of what will be the use of the investment made by our company. What is in for us?" Mr. Ahuja said his voice thoughtful. Om sighed and he shared a look with his brother. They had been trying to negotiate for an hour now but the client had been making it extra difficult for them to communicate, the client, their father's old friend and now their business supervisor.

Om and Rudra explained that once the plan falls out as nicely as they could, the profits could be shared. "Profits." He started, his gaze changing from curiosity to the one of mockery "Profits are something I least expect from this company." He said with a sneer. "Such a pity it is, to see the company which had so much potential going down in the dirt." He said.

"Mr. Ahuja, with due respect I would suggest that you mind your words" Om warned.

"Or what?" Mr. Ahuja turned to him his gaze mocking. "Do you think you are in position that you can make such demands?" He asked as he stood up. Behind him his staff too.

"With the respect that I have for you and for your friendship with our father, Mr. Ahuja. I am asking, then what is it that has attracted you here." Rudra asked. Seeing that Om was losing his patience he took over.

"I see you haven't read the terms and conditions." He said. "As carefully as I had intended."

"I agree to help you with the funds, but in return you must promise me twenty percent shares of the industry."

Rudra's jaw tensed, his throat gone dry. Twenty percent? It was a big decision, not scratch that, it was a huge decision. If they gave the shares to Mr. Ahuja then he and Om both will be left with twenty five percent each. The shareholders already hold the rest thirty percent. They can easily pressurise them not that they aren't already doing it as if.

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